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Y/N lay in her bed alone simply thinking about everything.

alex had gone out to some liquor store to get snacks they could eat while they watch a movie.

she was surprised at how kindly alex had treated her.

he made her feel better, he made her feel like there was a chance everything could be fixed.

while lost in thought wilbur cane in through the door as per usual.

"hey baby" he greeted with a smile sitting next to her on the bed.

"what are you doing here" she whispered, her tone laced with pure vile.

"what do you mean what am i doing? i'm your boyfriend" he laughed.

"my ex boyfriend" was her reply.

"what?" he stared at her astonished.

"don't play dumb with me will!" she sat up and unlocked her phone, quickly navigating to the photos and tossing her phone at him.

"just friends huh? you fucking lied! it was you who lied, i was right the whole time and you made me feel insane!" she felt the hot tears spill down her cheeks.

wilbur had found himself in a very bad situation, he saw the pictures and it was obviously him kissing niki.

he turned the phone off and looked at her, gently touching her hand.

"baby, i'm sorry" he said softly.

"she kissed me! i didn't know what to do, i felt bad. it was her first kiss as well, said she'd been rejected many times and i just felt bad. it meant nothing though!" he attempted to clear his charges.

y/n sat crying wanting to believe his story but knowing it was most definitely fake.

"i love you! baby, i love you. i've always have and always will." he delicately pet her hair, inching closer.

"don't fucking touch me" she tried to escape his grasp.

"don't talk to me that way." he said firmly, grasping her wrist.

"let me go!" she kept trying to get farther away.

"we're over will! it's done i know your story is bullshit! stop manipulating me!" she screamed.

"you know goddam well i'm not doing shit, you've been overacting from the fucking start. when i was with niki i was writing songs for you, for fucking you!" he grabbed her other wrist.

"just calm down and listen!" he shouted.

"no! let me go!" she cried harder.

the door burst open the second time that night and alex stood in the door frame.

wilbur immediately let go of her wrists and whispered, "c'mon baby it's alright, everythings going to be okay love."

in attempts to seem comforting.

"what the hell man? get out!" it was now alex's turn to shout.

"who are you to say anything, i'm her boyfriend!" wilbur stood up.

"you're not my boyfriend now leave!" y/n cried almost pleadingly.

"i'm her friend and you've treated her like shit, just leave before you cause anymore damage" alex sighed.

"she's been fucking you hasn't she? she said all this bullshit that i'm cheating but she's actually been cheating on me hasn't she?!" wilbur accused roughly.

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