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✧・゚: *♡ *:・✧

"alex, i think we just did an uh oh" y/n bit her lip, as soon as she ended the stream she changed the settings from public to private in hopes that more people wouldn't screen record any clips.

"uh my twitter is already filled with the clip of us high fiving" alex sighed.

"what do we do?" y/n asked, knowing if they admitted that they were together irl their ship would be blown out of proportion and they wouldn't hear the end of it.

"hmm, maybe not comment on it" he shrugged.

there was really nothing else you could do as a content creator, either respond or ignore.

"i think it was a good stream plus we could be doing so many other things right now" alex smiled though his eyes glimmering mischievously.

"oh yeah! like finishing homework!" y/n suggested.

"oh um yeah right" alex hesitantly agreed, i mean who would actually want to do homework.

so the duo began the difficult task of completing piles of homework.

alex had gotten distracted plenty of times, he was on his phone the majority of the time messaging his friends.

y/n also got distracted but managed to complete her reading assignment and two of her essays.

"how are you so studious" alex whined thinking it impossible to complete any of his work.

"aw c'mon it's not that hard crybaby" y/n laughed, flicking his nose.

"can't we watch a movie instead?" alex looked up at y/n.

"hmm maybe a break is necessary!" y/n agreed grabbing her controller and putting on netflix.

the two debated on what to watch but eventually decided the movie tall girl, specifically to make fun of how ridiculous it is.

"her life must be so hard, i mean imagine being a size thirteen, MEN'S size thirteen" y/n dramatically flopped on her bed.

"i cannot imagine being that tall" alex put his head in his hands.

"it must be hard for a shorty like you to even dream of being that tall" y/n snickered.

"exa- hey! wait is that an insult" alex pouted. "maybe." she stuck her tongue out.

"i'm literally taller than you" he laughed.

"by like half an inch probably." she scoffed.

after finishing the movie they decided to play more minecraft starting up a survival world.

they played till late hours and alex ended up going back to his door around four in the morning.

✧・゚: *♡ *:・✧

unfortunately alex going over to y/n's dorm was not a common thing.

he was too shy to go just ask to go over and she was too shy to invite him over.

so, school much less fun than it was at the start.

y/n would usually go to the cafe after school to study, and that's when she met william.

a new barista who played his guitar when he wasn't working.

everyone called him wilbur, he typically wore sweaters and a beanie and looked extremely sleep deprived.

he noticed that y/n came into the cafe at least once and week.

she seemed to be around the same age as he and she seemed fun not to mention she was quite pretty.

so one day he decided when he dropped off her drink he'd ask to sit with her.

and he did.

she was on her laptop, though she was staring outside instead finding a bird chirping on a tree branch more interesting than her essay on edgar allen poe.

"uhm hello!" he started placing her drink carefully on the table.

"oh thank you!" she smiled grabbing the drink and immediately taking a sip.

"mind if i sit here?" he asked.

"not at all! just won't you get in trouble?" she looked over to the cafe counter.

"i actually just got on break!" wilbur smiled, "oh and my name's william but everyone just calls me wilbur!" he held his hand out awkwardly.

"my name's y/n" she smiled shyly and shook his hand.

"i'm sorry if this is really weird or random it's just- well you seem very nice and i was just thinking perhaps like, i don't know maybe we could be uh, friends?" he rambled nervously looking at his fingernails rather than her.

"uhm sure! that sounds lovely" she smiled and felt her cheeks get hot with the awkward interaction.

"great!" he grinned, "so tell me about yourself!"

and thus the two became very good friends.

after school y/n would go to the cafe and after wilbur's shift he'd walk her to her dorm and even stay awhile.

she'd make him tea and he'd play his guitar for her.

one night they danced on top of her bed while the pixies played on wilbur's old record player.

the next they lay out in the grass in front of the school staring at the stars.

each moment they had seemed to be one of those romantic rom coms.

and wilbur felt himself fall more and more in love with her.

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