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✧・゚: *♡ *:・✧

it had been a week since she moved out. he missed her.

everything felt so empty, he felt so alone.

when he came back from classes he came back to an empty dorm, when he made dinner it was just for him, and the bed felt very big and cold with just him sleeping in it.

he needed to stream, or edit a video.

yet with her gone he felt so unmotivated. he knew if he did stream he wouldn't be himself.

instead he made cup o noodles and sat at his desk beginning to do some of his homework.

after finishing his soup and absolutely none of his homework he sighed.

he had no idea how to do this essay. his mind completely blank.

deciding to give up for now he went on twitter.

he was tagged in various tweets about who the mystery girl was, even though that was quite a while ago the fans hadn't let up.

aksel had sent him some memes, brandon asked if he wanted to be in a video three days ago, and ani asked how he was doing.

he replied to his friends feeling guilt eat at him for not answering.

while scrolling through twitter he came upon a tweet from gogurty/n.

'living alone is like...lonely :c'

alex retweeted the tweet forgetting who even tweeted.

though when he realised he packed up his homework and rushed over to y/n's dorm.

she was lonely too!

maybe she even missed alex as much as he missed her.

his heart pounded at the thought of being missed by her.

when he got to dorm 609 he smiled and knocked perhaps a little to loudly for the time being.

she answered the door in pyjama pants and the hoodie alex gave her when they walked together in the rain.

her hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail.

"oh alex hi!" his grin widened a blush already resting on his cheeks.

he pulled her into a hug which she gladly excepted going on her tippy toes to wrap her arms around his neck.

he really did miss her.

when they pulled apart she grabbed his hand and pulled him into her small dorm.

she sat on her desk chair and spun around to face him.

"to what do i owe this lovely visit from monsieur alex today?" she asked her, a sly smile on her lips.

"oh um i needed help with my essay, i-if you don't mind helping" alex bit his lip.

"of course i don't mind, it's not like i'm doing anything anyways" she smiled warmly, flashing her pretty smile.

they sat together at her desk as she brought up many different ways as how he should start his essay.

he could hardly focus on something as stupid as his essay.

he much rather focus on the way y/n spoke, the way her lips would part and close together again when speaking.

her lips so soft and smooth.

alex was completely lost in his day dream not focusing whatsoever on his essay.

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