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          AFTER classes y/n had been doing her homework in the bathtub.

alex repeatedly offered his desk so she could work on but she always preferred the tub.

she had bought a little table desk for the tub and made a little bed with pillows.

she had created the perfect, temporary study.

today after classes y/n went straight to her study.

alex came to the dorm about an hour later.

he yawned and looked around the dorm.

when he didn't see y/n he knocked on the bathroom door.

"come in" her smooth voice whispered through the door.

her voice which was always so familiar and so relaxing, it had always made alex feel safe.

alex felt his heart surge a bit as he opened the door.

"hey! you're home!" she cheered, just like a puppy that had been waiting for her owner all day.

he smiled at her enthusiasm, feeling a warmth spread through his heart at the thought of being missed by someone.

she jumped up from the tub and gave him a quick hug before heading into the cooking area.

he was stunned for a minute, taken a back by her gentle kindness, but he followed after her quickly.

curious as to what she was going to make.

"i made white rice!" she smiled making jazz hands over the steamy rice.

alex grinned brightly.

"aww! you shouldn't have!" he smiled and eagerly went to grab a bowl.

y/n served them both and they went to sit on the couch to eat their small dinner.

y/n decided to put beetlejuice on the small tv alex owned.

alex felt his head spin with so much emotion and feelings for the girl sitting beside him.

he couldn't help but think how close they've gotten in the past week it's been since the whole mix up even happened.

he watched her eat for a moment. he felt his heart beat faster when she glanced at him and laughed.

"you're staring alex" she smiled.

his cheeks turned ten shades pinker.

he immediately stared back at the movie.

soon light pitter patters could be heard.

it had been colder than usual in mexico and rain was gradually spilling down from the clouds.

"look alex it's raining!" y/n gasped running to the small window that wouldn't open all the way.

she stuck her head out through the tiny gap and closed her eyes.

letting the rain lightly sprinkle itself on her face.

a large smile plastered on her face. alex was quick to join her side.

she turned her face to shine her smile his way.

he smiled back. gently moving her hair out of her face and behind her ear.

her face had become more rosey than it already was.

with delicate fingers he dried her cheek, admiring the softness, as if her cheek were a satin sheet. so smooth, and so soft.

when he returned his hand back to his side, her hand chased his.

she carefully grabbed his hand and placed it back on her cheek. her cheek soaked his comforting warmth his hand offered.

alex had an urge.

an urge to confess his feelings, to tell her that even though they had barley known each other, he wanted to know her, he wanted to know more about her, in fact he wanted to know everything about her.

he wanted to always eat his breakfasts, lunches, and dinners with her.

he wanted to sit on the couch and watch old movies with her.

he wanted to listen to her if she needed to be heard.

and most of all he wanted to kiss her.

and all those words, those feelings, were trapped deep within his throat. he was scared, scared she would say no.


so instead they stood by the window that wouldn't open all the way, with the sprinkles of rain making comforting pitter patter sounds, with small droplets of the rain entangled within y/n's hair, with their cheeks flushed with a pigmented pink, with alex's hand delicately laid on y/n's cheek, with alex staring deeply in the eyes of the girl he wanted to be with forever.

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