Country Roads

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"Cassius, look over there!" Nathalia's excited voice rang as she pointed to something in the distance.

They were currently driving around on old country roads not too far from their home. Nathalia had argued she was going to go insane if he made her stay in the house all the time but convinced him when she found a compromise. She suggested just taking the smallest one-day road trip around the area, which he agreed to on the condition that she wouldn't leave the car.

Driving around the hills and mountains reminded her of when they fled the previous home, which she still missed a little. They hadn't even been there for that long but it was the place she got to know Cassius as a person.


She loved the sound of his name. His actual name.

She hadn't quite registered the fact he told her until minutes later when she could finally think like a normal person again. She'd asked him about it, and he told her his name was Cassius Sommer. She didn't care much for his last name but she was grateful for finally knowing his first name. It felt right after everything they'd shared.

Looking back she couldn't have imagined a better first time than the one she'd had.

Or a better second time.

Or third.

It was clear Cassius wasn't holding back anymore, and she didn't mind. His strong arms around her and the feel of his powerful hips thrusting against her own was something she knew she could never get enough of.

"What are you pointing at?" He replied in that deep voice of his. He squinted while he tried to see what she was pointing at in the distance but couldn't seem to find it.

She looked over to him to find him looking in the wrong direction, nowhere near where her finger was pointing. "No, over there! A llama!" she exclaimed. She had no idea people were even allowed to keep llamas as pets, she always imagined them to be exotic animals that lived in far-off countries. Yet there was one right in front of them.

"Right," he said as he spotted the animal behind a fence, "is that even allowed?"

She just shrugged while tearing her eyes away from the animal. "Let's stop to pet it," she suggested. Cassius had slowed down the car significantly so she could look at it for longer but he wasn't willing to fully stop for the animal.

"No, we stay in the car," he said with authority.

"I've never seen one before, please," she pleaded. "Besides, there's nothing but dirt here. You just said it yourself, no one uses these roads."

It was true, only a few minutes before he'd been complaining about the quality of the roads damaging the truck and how no one used the roads for that exact reason, with the exception of farmers.

"There's a house right there," he pointed out. She hadn't even noticed it but to her credit, it was somewhat hidden away behind a few large oak trees. She weighed her options for a bit before her shoulders sagged a little. If she was going to annoy him now he probably won't take her out again.

"Okay, that's fine," she smiled at him, giving him the silent ok to drive off again. He scanned her face for a second before looking back at the road, making them fall into the same comfortable silence they had before.

She peacefully watched the view go by and before long the comfortable silence got rudely interrupted by her growling stomach.

He threw her a sideways glance which she met with a sheepish smile. She'd promised him she'd tell him when she got hungry so they could stop to eat. But she hadn't really noticed she'd grown hungry until her stomach growled.

He pulled over and parked the car in some grassy patch next to a cornfield before reaching into the back of the car to retrieve the bag she'd filled with their lunch.

In their own little way, they were having a picnic. Except they weren't going to leave the car.

He handed her the peanut butter and jelly sandwich she had made and grabbed the avocado one for himself.

A shiver ran down her spine when she thought of the taste of avocado, she hated it. Not only the taste but the texture as well. At least she wasn't the one who had to eat it.

She'd gone through her sandwich so fast that one might have thought she inhaled it. Yet for some reason, he'd finished his before she did.

His grey eyes suddenly snapped up to hers and she felt herself sharply inhale. she suddenly grew nervous, unsure of what to do next. It was almost as if he liked to make her uncomfortable by staring, but she wasn't sure. He'd probably deny it if she asked him.

As soon as she looked away he let out a laugh and she knew it was on purpose.

She let out a huff and looked the other way, but she looked back when she heard him move.

When she turned her head back to him he already was closer than she'd expected, making her gasp in surprise.

"You're not scared of me, are you?" he whispered as he put his arm around her headrest, his face inches from hers. His question made her frown, why would she be scared of him? He just intimidated her at times because of his height and demeanor but scared was a strong word. She knew he'd never try to hurt her.

"No," she whispered back, "should I be?"

He traced her cheekbones with the tip of his fingers while slowly dragging his tongue over his lips, entrancing her. "Never," he replied as pressed his lips against hers, capturing her in a breath-taking kiss.

The angle was slightly awkward, but it didn't bother her. Whenever he kissed her it became all she could think about, his warmth, his feel, and the need to get closer to him. His light stubble scraped the edges of her lips but she loved the way it felt.

For once, she entered his mouth with her tongue before he could and she felt the corner of his mouth lift slightly. She knew he liked being the dominant one, the one who decided where they were going. But for now, he allowed her to take the lead.

If she was going to be honest she didn't quite know what to do, so she tried to imitate the things Cassius usually did. Slowly, she moved her tongue around, causing him to follow. After a few seconds, she pulled away to breathe. But Cassius had run out of patience and reached over.

He grabbed her thigh and her waist and pulled her towards him, making her squeal. He placed her on his lap while moving his hand from her thigh to the back of her neck, smashing his lips against hers.

Unlike most of their kisses, this one wasn't soft and gentle. This one was intense and desperate with a hint of possessiveness. If she'd been able to think clearly she might have wondered what caused this, but that wasn't the case. Instead, she had to focus to keep up with him.

She found she didn't dislike being kissed like this, it was just different from how he usually was.

Her legs were going numb and she shifted her weight to relieve her legs a little but froze when he groaned. "Stop moving," he told her in a strained voice.

She hadn't realized she'd been practically grinding against his crotch and felt a little bad about it. They couldn't do much since they were outside in broad daylight, and despite Cassius complaining about how no one used these roads, there still was a chance someone would see them. And that chance she wasn't willing to take.

She sheepishly smiled and uttered a small "sorry", but made no move to sit back in her own seat.

So they just sat there for a while, staring at each other and enjoying each other's company. "Thank you for taking me out," she said after a while.

He gifted her a small smile before replying, "you're welcome."

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