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She only noticed she'd been absentmindedly chipping the paint on the porch rails when she looked down and spotted the flakes. Despite the beauty of the home, it was in a state of slight disrepair. This was only noticeable when you looked at it from up close, but it was still noticeable.

It pained her heart to know nobody had been taking care of the antiquity of a house.

But what's stopping me from doing exactly that?

They'd been cleaning out the house to the best of their abilities but there were certain things that couldn't be fixed just by cleaning. The paint, for starters, flaked off whenever it was touched.

The exterior of the house had the worst chipping issues, so she'd like to start there. But she couldn't remember seeing any cans of paint around the house.

She also doubted any paint left behind would still be usable now. So she would have to ask Darius to go get her some supplies.

As she made her way to his room she just hoped he would be willing to leave her alone for something non-essential, as they were still stocked up on groceries from his last trip.

His door was open, so she just walked in. She spotted him on his back with his legs lazily spread out, reading a book.

The book in his hands was from the living room bookcase. She knew this because she'd been eyeing it for a while until it just disappeared.

Well, at least now I know where it went.

She plopped down beside him but rolled to her side so she could stare directly into his face.

He pretended to not see her, which made her let out a giggle and scoot even closer. Her nose bumped his cheek but still, no reaction.

She lightly kissed his stubble, loving the way it scraped against her lips. Before she could register what was happening, he'd thrown the book aside and lifted himself so he hovered over her.

Gently, he nipped her bottom lip before covering it with his own. The way he did that felt so good that she couldn't help but let out a small moan.

He seemed to take that as an invitation because right after his tongue demanded entry to her mouth, something she was more than willing to give.

His lips were warm and soft, as opposed to his tongue, which roughly ravaged her mouth in an almost hungry way.

After all the kissing they'd done she'd expected the butterflies in her stomach to die down. But if anything, they just got more intense. The tingling sensations he caused moved down to her pubic area as she felt herself getting wet.

His heavy breathing did nothing to diminish these feelings and even made them more fierce. She just loved the way he made her feel and she would be more than content spending the rest of her days in his arms. Just the two of them.

A voice in the back of her mind reminded her that this wasn't meant to last. That the chances she'd ever see him again after the trial were slim. Yet, there was also a glimmer of hope. That he'd find a way to reconnect with her. That he was willing to go to those lengths just to be with her.

"If you came to my room just for this, you can visit more often."

His gravelly voice brought her back to the present. He held himself up by his arms, which were on either side of her head now. Their noses were almost touching because of how close their faces were and she could see the lust in his grey eyes.

This, combined with the feeling of his manhood pressing on her thigh through their jeans, and his breath on her face, made her unable to form any words.

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