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The house they stopped in front of was absolutely beautiful. It was built in a victorian era style and the details were exquisite. The only downside was that it was painfully obvious exactly where Darius had stopped painting the walls because of her fall, and it made her feel a little guilty.

He gently guided her inside with his hand on the small of her back. His touch sent little tingles down her spine and his scent made her brain fog up.

The inside was just as lovely as the outside. And like the outside, it needed a lick of paint here and there.

She looked up at him and realized he was giving her a moment to take everything in, which she appreciated. It was hard to keep eye contact with his intimidating eyes but it was getting easier the more she was around him.

He let go of her back and instead grabbed her hand, pulling her along towards the stairs.

"C'mon, I'm sure you want to take a shower."

She did, in fact, want to take a shower. She hated having to put on her dirty clothes but she recognized he hadn't had time to bring new clothes when they went to the hospital.

He walked her all the way to the bathroom where he let go of her hand. After he turned on the shower for her he said, "I'll get your stuff, you just stay here," before taking off, closing the door behind him in the process.

It was all a little strange to Nathalia, but maybe he really wanted to take care of her. It was nice of him and it brought a small smile to her face. She just hoped he didn't do it because her fall had made him guilty or anything.

When her gaze caught her reflection the smile was quickly swiped away. She looked horrible and the bags under her eyes were very visible behind her pale skin. A yellowish-green bruise graced her jaw and she winced at the thought of falling from a ladder. She was glad she couldn't remember.

She heard some shuffling in the hallway before Darius came through the door again. "I think I got everything."

He turned as though he was leaving, but stopped. He took a moment to look at her and the only thing she could do was look back. She hadn't said a lot since waking up, but she also didn't have the energy to talk much.

His hand reached out ever so gently to stroke her cheek before he talked again, "I'm sorry, Kat."

His voice came out strained and she immediately felt bad. She was sure it wasn't his fault she fell, even if she didn't remember.

"Don't be, please," she softly replied. His face didn't give much away but she could see in his eyes something was terribly bothering him. She wanted to take it away but didn't know how.

She could kiss him, but the thought made her embarrassed.

What's there to be embarrassed about? He's my fiancé.

So she decided to just go for it, putting her hands on the sides of his face and softly pulling him down. He didn't resist and dipped down to meet her lips.

The moment they made contact her world exploded in a whirlwind of feelings and she didn't care that she couldn't remember. She only needed him.

He groaned and pulled her body flush into his own, allowing her to feel his hard muscles. She suddenly wondered what they'd feel like against her skin so she let go of his face and moved her hands down and up to his abs.

She had to break off the kiss because she'd run out of breath, but as soon as she sucked in a breath his lips were on her again.

They were so soft compared to the rough man in front of her and the contrast made her like them even more. She almost whined when he released her lips but he continued peppering her neck with kisses before fully pulling away.

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