Feel The Moon

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The moment his lips locked on hers, everything else was forgotten.

She didn't even hesitate before kissing him back, making him pull her even closer to him. She moved her hands from his wet chest down to his abs, earning her a groan from Darius.

One of his hands was still on her neck while the other was caressing her cheek. Their height difference made it so that Darius had to bend down while Nathalia had to crane her neck up to meet him.

After what seemed like an eternity, they had to break apart to catch their breath. When she opened her eyes she found him still staring at her lips, but refraining from kissing her again.

He pulled back with a pained look on his face and dropped his hands from her face and neck.

"Nat wh--"

But she didn't want to hear what he had to say this time. She knew it wouldn't be anything good. Before he could even finish the sentence she'd wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her lips again. And he let her.

After a short battle for dominance, Darius came out on top and took the lead again, surprising her when she felt his tongue enter her mouth. She didn't really know what to do, so she just went with it. All she knew was that it felt good, too good to stop.

His hands were now on her hips, pulling her body into his.

He was all she could feel, all she could smell, and all she could focus on at that moment. She was in heaven.

But all good things must come to an end and soon they had to break apart again. But this time he didn't let go of her.

"No one can know about this," he breathed out huskily.

She didn't trust her voice, so she just nodded.

For a while, they just stood there in their embrace. Neither one was willing to let go of the other. Until Darius removed his hands from her hips and grabbed one of hers.

"You're wearing your bikini underneath right?" he asked, referring to her clothes.

Confused, she whispered out a small "Yes". But she soon found out what his intentions were as he grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head. The action felt oddly intimate despite the fact they'd been kissing only minutes before.

She had to lift her arms to get the shirt off and he guided them to his shoulders as he came to stand even closer to her. Next, he started working on the buttons of her shorts.

She could feel his breath on her neck before he placed a small kiss behind her ear. "You're so fucking perfect, Nat," he whispered before pulling down her pants so she could step out of them.

She didn't feel nearly as self-conscious about her body as she did less than an hour ago, thanks to him. Any and all doubt she had about his feeling for her were gone, he'd effectively showed her exactly how he felt. Even if he hadn't outright said so.

But she knew. She knew he'd poured all of his emotions into the kiss, and she'd reciprocated them all.

He led them to the waterline where he let go of her hand. She tested the water with her toes, before quickly pulling them out again. It was icy cold.

She looked at Darius, who'd jumped into the water again and was looking at her expectantly.

"The water is too cold," she half whined. She felt a bit ridiculous for complaining about it after they drove all the way there but she couldn't help it.

"It's March, what did you expect?" he smiled at her. "Come here," he said as he held out his hand for her to take.

She grabbed his hand, expecting him to support her while she slowly sank into the water.

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