Of coffee and casseroles

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Somewhere along the line winter had ended and spring had come, the snow had melted into the ground and the nights weren't quite as chilly anymore. Tiny leaves sprouted from their buds and animals awoke from their hibernations. Bugs, after being absent for months, were buzzing around again doing whatever bugs do.

And Nathalia had noticed exactly none of this these past few weeks. It was just now, standing in their little backyard, that she was able to take it all in. The smell of wet grass entered her nostrils and the chirping of birds sounded more enchanting than her favorite songs.

Between the police interviews, them moving her around, and just generally waiting for the next steps she hadn't been outside as much. And when she was she was too preoccupied to notice the splendor of it all.

Spring was her favorite season of the year, the bleak and bare trees would soon turn green again and flowers would pop up in the most unexpected places. It was the season of a perfect balance between temperatures, not too hot and not too cold. Spring was also a season of rebirth, and god knows Nathalia needed a fresh start.

After taking it all in for a few more minutes she set to work. Shoveling the dirt around and thinking of the best way to arrange everything she lost herself in her work. The outside world had ceased to exist, it was just her and her plants.

Until a voice called out.

"Katherine dear, over here!"

Nathalia looked back at the house but to her surprise, there was nothing to see. She turned to scan the rest of the yard until she saw the grey hair of their neighbor Gertrude. Nathalia guessed the elderly neighbor had found something to stand on, as she stood just tall enough to peek over the fence.

"Gertrude, what a pleasure. How can I help you?" Nathalia said smiling as she walked towards her.

"Oh it's horrible Katherine, I just don't know what to do," Gertrude said dramatically. But she didn't elaborate any further, prompting Nathalia to ask about it herself.

"What happened? Can I help?" Nathalia asked worriedly. The elderly neighbor seemed to be in great distress. She had a weakness for children and elderly people, often resulting in being taken advantage of. By kids more often than by senior citizens.

"As a matter of fact, you can help me. You see, my daughter and her husband were coming over for dinner but canceled at the last minute! Isn't that just so inconsiderate? And my casserole is already in the oven. I worked so hard on it, dear, and now it will go to waste." Gertrude took a moment to breathe but continued before Nathalia had the chance to say anything.

"And so, if you and that handsome fiance of yours can join none of it would have to go to waste. Oh, I insist the two of you join, it will be lovely dear."

"Oh, I'd have to ask-" Nathalia tried to reason. But she was cut off by Gertrude, who was having none of it.

"Oh nonsense, I insist you join us. Dinner's at 7, see you tonight dear." Gertrude said as she scurried off into her home, giving no time for objections and leaving Nathalia staring at the fence.

What just happened?

Leaving her yard work for what it was she made her way back to the house, making sure to take off her muddied shoes before going inside to look for Darius.

Eventually, she found him in the kitchen making coffee, eyebrows knit together in thought as he stared out the window. His features made him look angry, but by now Nathalia wasn't sure if that wasn't just the way his face was. There was a muscle twitching in his sharp jaw and all in all he looked as handsome as he always did. Yet Nathalia was scared to tell him about the invitation, she knew she probably wasn't allowed to go visit random people, and the fact Darius would have to join made her even more anxious.

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