Dinner Dates

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The incident happened a good few hours ago and it was already starting to feel like a distant dream. The memories had gotten somewhat foggy and all that remained was tiredness, despite having done nothing but sit in the truck all day.

A few minutes ago they passed a sign that said "Welcome to Montana", which was the first clue as to where she was since the beginning of the ride. She loved the view they had from the truck. On both sides were huge mountain ranges visible, surrounded by huge green trees. She wished she could enjoy them more but she couldn't.

Darius seemed to still be worked up over what had happened earlier that morning, which made him even quieter than he usually was. She also found that his mood greatly affected hers. She knew he wasn't much of a talker but at times when they'd pass something he would comment on it or explain something, which he hadn't done for a while.

Even when she prompted him to say something she'd just get short answers. It was driving her nuts to know he was beating himself up over what happened earlier, even though she was perfectly fine now.

Besides, she was starting to worry. Not only for his health but also for their safety. Darius has been driving ever since they had to leave the house in the middle of the night without much of a break or sleep. She knew it couldn't be healthy for a person, even though he said he 'had worse' as he'd put it a long time ago.

Reaching over, she grabbed his free hand. He'd been driving with his left elbow on the door and his left hand on the wheel while his right hand rested in his lap. He briefly looked over to her as she put both her hands around his and put it in her lap, but soon turned his eyes back to the road.

And while he let her do it, he still didn't speak.

"Darius?" she quietly asked.

Again, his eyes shifted over to her but quickly turned back to the road. At least he acknowledged her.

"Maybe we should stop, get some sleep? It's almost dinner time so we could grab some food as well," she proposed as she started drawing circles on his hand with one of her thumbs.

"You can sleep now if you want to, I'll wake you when I find a roadside restaurant or something."

It was the most he'd spoken since the incident, but his answer didn't satisfy her. It was clear he wasn't thinking of stopping anywhere soon.

His beautiful face looked tired and his usually bright grey eyes were now dull and red around the edges. There were also bags under his eyes, proving her point even further. The only thing that was the same about him was his hair, which looked good on him no matter how he wore it.

"No, the sun is almost setting again and you need to sleep."

She tried to use her sternest voice but it didn't come out as confidently as she'd liked. It felt odd telling him what he needed.

"I really don't, and we shouldn't stop."

His stubbornness was going to be the end of him someday she thought. But she knew she could find a way to sway him.

"Yes, you do. I insist."

"You insist huh?" he replied almost amusedly. Even though it was a half-taunt, at least it was some kind of reaction.


He looked over to her while the corner of his mouth lifted ever so slightly before he replied.

"I'll have to decline, love."

The words made blood rise to her cheeks like it always did but she refused to let it distract her from her goal.

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