Catching Up

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This chapter contains explicit scenes meant for a mature audience, if you don't like mature scenes I recommend you skip to the end of this chapter.


Nathalia POV

He pushed her down on the bed and crawled in between her legs while leaving wet kisses on the exposed skin under her shirt. She wanted to close her eyes but the look he gave her challenged her to keep eye contact.

After kissing every inch of her belly he moved up, planting his strong arms on either side of her head to cage her in. The look he gave her was almost feral as he lowered his hips to grind his manhood against her most sensitive spot.

She shamelessly moaned, knowing it'd spur him on. He ground against her again, this time she moved up to meet his movements. If only he knew what his touches did to her, she thought.

She wove her fingers through his hair and for the first time ever, he was the first to look away. He lowered his head in the crook of her neck and groaned lowly and she knew whatever she felt, he felt it as well.

Reaching down she cupped his hard member with her hand. It felt even bigger when she held it like that. She moved her hand towards his waistband but he stopped her, making her look up at him.

"Don't," he panted, "I don't think I'll be able to stop."

She took a moment to examine his features. His hair was messy from the pulling she'd done and his cheeks were slightly red. His full lips were slightly parted as he was still breathing heavily and his eyes were dark and clouded.

"Then don't stop."

The words surprised even Nathalia herself, but she didn't want to take them back. She wanted him, in every way possible.

He didn't move right away and by the slight crease in his brow, she knew he was thinking very hard. His hand was still holding her wrist at the waistband of his jeans but she was too scared to move.

What if he didn't want her this way?

Doubt suddenly clouded her thoughts until he pulled her out of it with his voice, "You sure?"

Biting her lip, she nodded.

Wordlessly, he moved to gently kiss her. It wasn't urgent or possessive. It was slow and sweet and she savored every moment of it. He released her hand to take hold of her neck to gently angle it up even more.

This allowed her to continue her journey down his pants, only this time he didn't stop her. When she finally reached what she was looking for she felt him suck in a sharp breath of air.

His erection didn't feel like she was expecting it to. Instead of soft skin, she met hardness. And it was warm. Very warm.

Now that she was finally holding him fully she suddenly didn't know what to do anymore. He's stopped kissing her and was now looking her straight in the eyes, watching her every move. Slowly, she wound her fingers around it and moved up again. She felt him go rigid and knew she'd done the right thing.

Before she could do it again he grabbed her wrist and moved it away from her again, confusing her. But when he pulled off her shirt she knew it was because he couldn't wait anymore.

He made short work of her pants and panties as well, revealing her to him in full. He sat back on his knees for a while as he took in every detail of her body, making her blush furiously. She didn't like the fact she was all naked now and he was still dressed so she sat up as well and grabbed his shirt.

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