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She awoke with a content sigh while surrounded by warmth. She wasn't ready to get out of bed just yet, and she didn't have to.

She snuggled further into her pillow, burrowing her nose in the soft fabric before relaxing again.

Beds always felt a lot nicer in the mornings.

But her neck started to cramp up after a while and she needed to change the position she was lying in.

That turned out to be a lot harder than she originally thought it would be.

She couldn't physically move in the direction she wanted to so, in her half-awake half-asleep state, she tried to push the pillow a little father out for some space. It didn't work. The pillow was stuck as well.

Now she was growing frustrated. Why couldn't she move?

"Stop moving," she heard Darius grumble from underneath her.

Wait. Underneath me?

In a flash, she opened her eyes and saw she wasn't in her bed at all. She was lying half atop of Darius and together they had somehow managed to fall asleep on the couch. She had her head on his chest while his left arm went around her and held her in place. The reason she couldn't move was that she was wedged in between Darius and the couch.

"I'm sorry," she whispered back.

His only response was a low hum.

Last night had been everything she's been wanting and more. After they'd returned she had immediately hopped into the shower and changed her clothes.

There was something about swimming in lakes that made her feel disgusting afterward.

She'd changed into more comfortable clothes and went back downstairs where she found Darius, who had done the same.

They had spent the remainder of the evening talking, cuddling, and kissing. Mostly kissing. The memory brought a blush to her cheeks and she was relieved to find that Darius still had his eyes closed.

She had no idea at what point during the night they'd fallen asleep, but she also didn't care. Waking up in his arms brought on a whole new set of emotions.

He wanted her. Somehow this magnificent man who, to her, was perfect in every sense of the word, wanted her.

She decided she wouldn't allow herself to doubt any of it anymore. She was going to enjoy this for as long as she could. Whatever happened after was a problem for later.

Suddenly, Darius groaned and stretched underneath her. His groan did things to her she wasn't entirely familiar with. It sent little sparks from her face, down her throat, through her belly, and into a very private area.

That, combined with the feeling of his taut muscles moving underneath her, left her a little hot and bothered.

He groaned again, but this time he sat up, pulling her up with him. Because of the position they had been lying in she now sat half atop of his lap while he snaked his free arm around her and left soft kisses along her jaw.

"Good morning," he murmured in between kisses.

She tried to answer, but her voice got stuck in her throat. The sensation of his lips on her jawline made her mind go haywire, and she needed a second to form the right words.

"M-morning," she eventually breathed out.

He stopped kissing her and pulled back to look her in the eyes.

"How did you sleep?"

"I slept well, I--"

It's then she realized she hadn't had a single nightmare that night.

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