White Walls

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Darius POV

He paced the empty hospital hallway, as he had been for the past few hours. Every now and then a nurse would walk by, giving him a sympathetic look.

He didn't even see them.

His mind was going a million miles an hour even since he heard the gut-wrenching scream from her fall. He'd rushed to her side and checked her vitals and, much to his relief, found her to be alive. The problem was she wouldn't wake up.

Carefully, so he wouldn't worsen any possible injuries, he'd put her in the car and drove to the nearest hospital where they rushed her into the ER. He hadn't seen her since.

Once in a while a doctor, or sometimes a nurse, would find him to update him on her situation. The last one had been hours ago, and the wait made him more anxious by the minute.

Besides her current situation, there was something else to worry about.

Their identities.

He'd given the hospital her fake name. But he also knew the fake name had been possibly compromised, meaning that if the mafia had any control over the healthcare databases they'd find her in no time.

He downed the last of his coffee and threw the cup in a trashcan. He'd lost count of how many he'd drank since his arrival, but he needed the caffeine to keep him going.

How could she have been so stupid?

No, how could I have been so stupid? I shouldn't have let her out of my sight in the first place.

He felt as though he'd failed, again. He should've protected her, kept her safe. Yet here she was, in a hospital with injuries he didn't even want to think about.

He sat down in one of the empty chairs in the waiting area. Actually, they were all empty. It was only a small hospital in one of the neighboring towns, and the fact it was now the middle of the night didn't help. The only other person in the waiting room was the receptionist, who he saw looking at him every now and then from the corner of his eyes.

The overwhelming urge to punch something took over, but he had to stop himself. It wasn't the time and place to draw attention to himself so he kept it all inside. Gritting his teeth, he ran a hand through his hair.

Where's that fucking doctor?

He looked around and made eye contact with the receptionist again, who coyly smiled at him before quickly looking away with a blush. For some reason, it made him even angrier. The woman he cared so much about was suffering from God knows what just down the hallway and she had the nerve to try and flirt with him?

He heard the doctor before the door even opened and he quickly stormed toward him. "How is she? Is she alright?"

The doctor, an old man in white scrubs and tiny round glasses, took her chart and looked down at it. He read it a little too long for Cassius's liking before looking up again and pushing his glasses up his nose.

"We ran some tests, just to examine everything. We checked her vitals, which were all good. Then we had her x-rayed to check for any broken bones and such."

Cassius gave the man an incredulous look. Was he seriously going to stop there? He liked to consider himself not a very violent guy, but he was tempted to grab the old man by his neck and get all the answers he needed a lot faster.

He clenched and unclenched his fist in an attempt to calm down before urging the old man, "And?"

"Well, it all seems to be fine. Nothing out of the ordinary."

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