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Monday had arrived faster than she'd liked, which meant Darius was going to leave and a man named Chris would take his place. It was just a matter of waiting for the doorbell to ring, which was why Nathalia was now staring at the front door.

Truth is, she didn't want Darius to leave. She'd grown to enjoy his presence and, although she would never admit it, would probably miss him.

There was also a part of her that envied him, he was a free person. He could go where he wanted to go and if he decided he didn't want to stay here anymore, he could just quit. And that would be the end of it. He could pack his bags and return home and just... resume his life.

Nathalia knew she didn't have that luxury. At times she felt like a prisoner even. But then she'd remind herself she was doing this for a greater good, to make the world a better place. A place where justice would prevail.

The sound of the doorbell almost made her drop her tea, the loud tune waking her from her daydreaming.

She made her way to the hallway and waited for Darius. She wasn't allowed to open the front door herself, something she didn't mind as opening doors wasn't something she enjoyed doing anyway.

But Darius didn't seem to be in a hurry as he coolly walked down the stairs towards the front door. Opening it revealed a tall man, his dirty blonde hair was shorter than Darius's and his face held that same passive look Darius always sported.

They didn't say anything to each other, they just nodded and walked back into the house.

Nathalia didn't know what to think about him, he just seemed so normal. She felt none of the things she felt when she met Darius, even though they were similar in some aspects.

"H-hi, I'm Katherine," she said as she stretched out her hand when he came near.

"I know," he replied coldly as he walked past her. He didn't even so much as look in her direction.

This threw Nathalia for a loop, she hadn't expected to be treated so coldly. But Darius didn't look too surprised, he treated the man just as coldly. He threw a quick glance in her direction before following Chris, leaving Nathalia alone in the hallway.

If this one-second interaction was any indication of the week to come she was going to have a tough time. But as Darius had said, it's just one week. And she could avoid him if she wanted to.

Following the direction they went in she found them in the kitchen discussing the contents of a blueprint. She didn't understand the technical stuff they were talking about but joined them anyways as she took a seat at the table.

"And what about the alarm zone for sensor 6?" Chris asked as he looked at some kind of list.

"Section 3 and 4 are covered. And one part of 6, but section 6 is better visible from cam 8," Darius replied as he pointed at a few places on the blueprint.

"Alright, but if cam 8 covers section 6, what's covering section 7 then?"

"Section 7 and 10 are covered by cam 4 and sensor 5."

They went back and forth like this for quite a while, Chris looked for any weaknesses in the setup and Darius would prove he'd covered it. It seemed like Darius truly knew his craft well. How they could keep up with the seemingly endless amount of cameras and sensors, she did not know. And she didn't care to know. It all sounded dreadfully boring but she couldn't bring herself to leave the kitchen for some reason.

"Why are there no cameras in her room?" Chris asked as he grabbed the blueprint for the second floor.

Wait, cameras in my room? Please tell me this guy is not some kind of pervert.

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