The Most Beautiful View

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Warning: This chapter is rated M for sexual themes. 18+ only

Darius POV

He hated having to leave her alone. There were so many things that could happen in the small amount of time he was gone that it was all he could focus on.

That was probably the reason he was going 107 mph right now, but only because the truck couldn't go any faster. It wasn't that busy on the highway anyway so it didn't matter.

When he entered the house again he saw she was busy scrubbing the kitchen counter.

It was one of those safe houses that were known to very few people. That meant it was used pretty much never, causing a thick layer of dust to cover everything. He didn't look forward to cleaning but he couldn't let her do all the work.

The fact she still hadn't heard him come in made him worry about her survival instincts. He wasn't very light and he also wasn't sneaking around. She definitely should have heard him by now.

He purposely kicked one of the chairs surrounding the dining table so he wouldn't scare her, but she still jumped at the sound.

When her eyes met his her face broke into a smile when she ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. That smile was enough to make him feel weak in the best way possible.

With her body against his, he could feel every curve on her body and it was enough to drive his imagination wild. He cursed the bags in his hands that stopped him from pulling her closer.

"You're going to make me think you missed me or something," he joked. He knew he had trouble showing his feelings to her, but seeing her get so excited just for him delighted him tremendously.

"Well, I did," she replied while pulling away.

He felt his muscles stiffen up. He hadn't expected her to flat-out tell him she missed him. That didn't mean he didn't like hearing it, on the contrary. Her words sent a warm buzzing feeling through his bones.

What he did expect was for her to turn that beautiful shade of red she always turned when she was embarrassed. But he wasn't going to complain. It meant she was getting more comfortable with him, and around him.

"Oh, let me put those away," she suddenly said while trying to grab hold of the bags in his hands.

He quickly pulled them out of her reach, which wasn't hard since her arms weren't nearly as long as his. Her smile turned into a confused frown and he kind of felt bad, but he got something for her he didn't want her to see just yet.

"No, it's fine. I got it," he replied while walking around her towards the cabinets. They were already clean, so she probably spent the whole time he was away cleaning.

"I, uh... Alright. I'll go make the beds upstairs then," she said as she looked at him suspiciously.

It irked him that in every situation she was the most oblivious person he'd ever met, but now that he wanted to keep something from her she immediately got suspicious.

It didn't matter now, it worked and he could hide the item in peace. But he knew she was going to ask questions later, she never forgot things like that.

Nathalia POV

They'd pretty much spent the whole evening scrubbing the place. Dust had gathered in places she didn't know existed and grime covered the bathroom.

She was just grateful she didn't have to do it alone. She hadn't expected him to help but he had. With the music cranked all the way up it was almost fun.

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