On Your Way

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She knew they had almost reached their destination when Darius exited the highway and drove through a small town. Surrounding the town were not a lot of trees, allowing her to have a full view of the beautiful mountains beyond. The entire town seemed to be made up of storefronts and within 2 minutes they had passed it.

She'd woken that morning to Darius's curses when he realized they'd slept until the morning, despite telling her they were only going to sleep for a few hours. She didn't mind though, it had been a long time since she'd slept this well.

She suspected her good night's sleep had everything to do with the man holding her the whole night. The last time she fell asleep with him had also been a dreamless slumber, which couldn't be a coincidence.

About half an hour later Darius pulled into a dirt road that led to a winding path surrounded by a few trees. Soon, they left the trees behind and all she could see were hills of farmland. After only a few more minutes a small, victorian era style home came into sight.

There were no other houses in sight and she knew this was going to be their home for the next few weeks.

Darius parked the truck in the driveway and turned off the engine. He reached into the back of his pants and pulled out his gun, disabling the safety.

"Stay here until I come to get you," he said before he got out and locked the doors.

She followed him with her eyes as he got a key from underneath a loose floorboard and went into the house. As soon as he was out of sight she set her eyes on the house. It was beautiful.

A calm, blue color graced the walls of its exterior combined with soft white accents. The victorian era style was positively enchanting and she couldn't look away from the beautiful decorations.

Next, she scanned the garden. It was pretty obvious nobody had been taking care of it, but it wasn't anything a little TLC couldn't fix.

Darius returned after a few moments and opened her door for her, grabbing her hand to help her get out of the truck. Together, they gathered all their stuff and went inside.

The interior was just as beautiful as the outside, small but cozy.

I can definitely get used to this, she thought while smiling to herself.

While Darius walked up the stairs to drop off their stuff, Nathalia decided to take her time to explore the small home. Which didn't take long as the first floor only consisted of a hallway, a kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom. There was no basement in this home, much to her relief. Basements seriously creeped her out.

Next, she walked up the stairs where Darius had gone and inspected the second floor. To no one's surprise, it was small as well.

She looked into the rooms and found that Darius had claimed the smaller of the two, which didn't feel right to her. He was a lot bigger than her, so he should take the big room in her opinion. But she also saw that he was concentrating on some small device in his hands so she decided to bring it up later.

She opened a door directly next to the stairs and only found a small storage space, so she closed it again and moved on. On the ceiling was a square shape with a string attached, and she suspected it led to the attic.

She didn't like attics in the same way she didn't like basements. It was always dusty, musty, and full of cobwebs. Not a great place to hang out.

The last and final room was the bathroom, which they were going to have to share. This didn't bother her though, it's not like they had to use it at the same time.

When she exited the bathroom again she almost ran into Darius's hard chest but stopped herself just in time.

"What's the rush? You have somewhere to be?"

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