Moving On

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She desperately tried not to get the sleeves of her hoodie wet while she washed the dishes, and she was almost successful. Grabbing the last plate she rinsed it under the hot stream of water when suddenly something pushed against her legs, causing her to fall backward and straight into Cassius' chest.

He caught her in an embrace as well as the plate before it could fall out of her hand. It took her a moment to realize what he'd done, the asshole.

She turned her head to glare at him but got distracted by his smile, they were rare and far between and she only got to see it on special occasions.

"Why are you washing the dishes?" he murmured into her hair before placing a soft kiss on her neck.

It had been a day since he announced they had to leave again, telling her the trial would be in two weeks and she'd have to be prepared by experts to give a clear and concise statement. But she didn't want to leave again, it felt as if they'd just arrived there.

It was also the house where their relationship had truly started and the house they painted to their liking. It saddened her to think she wouldn't see any of it ever again.

She turned around to kiss him back, weaving her fingers through his hair and pressing her body into his. "Because I don't want to leave behind a mess, it's rude," she replied. "Did you call yet?"

Before they could leave Cassius had to make a phone call to his supervisors, telling them they would be leaving again. This also meant it was possible to trace the call, it was hard since it was a satellite phone, but not impossible. So they would have to leave the same day as the call or they'd be at risk again. It also wasn't his own phone, he'd explained. Every safehouse had a satellite phone ready in case an emergency happened.

"I did," he said with a sour look on his face. "They're sending a second bodyguard to escort you to New York City, we'll meet him at the airport."

For some reason, the trial would be held in New York City, despite her witnessing the crime in Memphis. Apparently, these guys had been committing crimes all over the United States so they chose NYC as the central point of it all.

But getting a second bodyguard meant she couldn't do anything with Cassius anymore, not even hold hands. Her face soured as well at the thought. "At least we'll be alone again when we arrive, right?"

He didn't really respond to that, causing a slight panic to rise in her chest. "Right, Cassius?" she pressed.

Her fate was sealed when he shook his head, "There's a third who'll meet us at the house."

She didn't want three bodyguards, she wanted him, and just him.

"I don't need three bodyguards, you've been keeping me safe just fine! Can't you... tell them to go away?" she asked almost exasperated. But Cassius shook his head again.

"You're going to need all the protection you can get once we're there. A lot of people will know where you are, Nat, which means they probably will too." His reply came so softly, that it was almost a whisper.

His hand came up to wipe away a stray tear that had found its way to her cheeks. "It's only for two weeks."

"And after that?"

There'd been an unspoken agreement between them where they didn't talk about what would happen after the trial but she just broke that agreement.

"I..." He started but didn't finish. She'd never actually seen him struggle to find his words like this. A pained look washed over his face while his eyes drifted away from hers. After a few moments, he looked down at their intertwined hands before answering, "I don't know."

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