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She woke up to the sound of the coffee machine, indicating the power was back on. Opening her eyes, she looked around the room. Darius's chair had been put back in the kitchen and all the candles were put away.

She must've fallen asleep at one point but she couldn't remember the exact time. She had tried to stay awake, fearing she'd snore, but it hadn't worked.

Getting up, she walked toward the fridge to assess the damage. When she opened it she expected everything to have gone bad, but to her surprise, the fridge was cold as ever. She did note, however, that they were almost out of groceries already. It seemed that while they bought a lot of stuff last time, it wasn't all for making dinners.

Walking to her room to get dressed she thought about the evening before, and couldn't stop a smile from forming on her face. It had been fun. A lot of fun. She hadn't had fun in weeks, maybe months. Even before the incident, her life had been a drag. She'd barely see her friends so her life consisted mostly of work and household tasks. But last night had felt good, like she was a normal 19-year-old.

Walking past Darius's room she heard the shower running, so she'd have to wait to tell him they needed to go out again. So she went to freshen up first.

By the time she was dressed and ready he wasn't in his room anymore. Instead, she found him in the usual spot in the kitchen, sipping coffee. He didn't look like someone who hadn't slept all night, which felt unfair to Nathalia. If her night's rest was shorter than usual she'd look like a zombie. Yet here he was, looking handsome as ever and not a single bag under his eyes.

"Mornin'," he said before taking a sip.

"Good morning," she replied as she took a seat across from him, "I threw out everything that was in the fridge this morning, so we probably should go grocery shopping again."

"Sure," he said after finishing his coffee, "we can go now if you want."

"I need to make a list first, can I get 5 minutes?" she asked as she stood up to find a pen and paper. She rummaged through a drawer she was convinced held a notepad, eventually pulling it out from the back.

"Alright, just tell me when you're ready then," he said as he walked out of the kitchen to do God knows what.

She tried her best to remember the stuff she threw out that was his. Although she was sure he'd just grab it himself at the store, she wanted to be sure. She'd hate for him to come home and find he'd forgotten something. Then she tried to think of what they should eat that week, which she found harder than expected. She didn't want to eat the same stuff every day, that would get old very fast.

Suddenly she heard the front door close. She turned to look but found it to be Darius, who was holding a stack of papers.

"You've got mail," he smirked as he threw the stack on the table beside her and walked off again.

Mail? For me?

Before she went here it was made very clear she was not allowed to give out her address to anyone. This meant she couldn't order a pizza, she couldn't tell her friends and she most certainly wasn't allowed to receive any kind of mail. All communications were to go electronically, in which she also wasn't allowed to give out her address in case a hacker was listening in.

Inspecting the pile she found it to be junk. There were a few flyers for religious institutions, some coupons, charity organizations asking for money, and a whole lot of advertisements.

But one flyer caught her eye.


✮March 10, 11 and 12

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