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She collapsed against his chest again and sighed contentedly. Her eyes became heavy and threatened to close but she refused to let sleep take her at a moment like this.

His hand retreated from her panties and buttoned her jeans again. Despite what they'd just shared, the small action made her smile. It showed her that he cared. He never did say it out loud, but they say actions speak louder than words.

But she hadn't told him either, she realized.

Suddenly, an overwhelming need to repay the favor overtook her. But at the same time, she was scared. The way he seemed to play her like an instrument spoke of his experience, something she knew she lacked. She heard stories, of course. Even read a dirty book or two. But never had she done anything with a man in real life.

He also seemed so confident about everything he did and she wished she could be more like him. He didn't hesitate, but he also didn't make rash decisions.

Go for it, she thought, be like him. Be bold.

Turning around again she cupped his face with her hands and kissed him again. He tasted even better than before. She could feel his jaw muscles move underneath her hands while they made out, his light stubble softly prickling her finger.

She moved her hand down and under his shirt, much in the same way he'd done minutes before. She moved upwards over his abs, every single one tensing when she touched them. If she had been able to focus she might've been able to count all the muscles, but the kiss was growing more intense by the second and she almost forgot her goal.

As she neared the waistband of his jeans he groaned deeply, almost in a warning way, but continued kissing her. She honestly didn't know what to do, or if he was even into it.

She decided to forgo the waistband for now and just move her hand over his jeans, covering his member with the palm of her hand.

First off, he was definitely into it.

A lot.

But suddenly, some sort of fear overtook her, fueled by her inexperience. What was her plan? What did she even have to do? What if she did something wrong?

Before she could make a decision he had grabbed her hand in his and moved it away, ending the kiss in the process.

Self-consciousness took over, did she really do so badly he had to end it before she even started?

"Wh- what's wrong?" she asked in a small voice.

His grey eyes were darker than usual and slightly unfocused. He didn't answer right away but sighed and dragged a hand through his hair.

"You don't have to do that."

She swallowed thickly, confused by his unexpected answer.

"I-- I want to," she replied softly.

"No, you don't. I can see you're fucking scared, Nat. I can feel it in everything you do," he said seriously, "You feel like you have to do something for me because I did something for you, but you don't."

He was right, about everything. She was scared. But that didn't mean she didn't want to do it.

"It's just... I don't know what to do. But I want to, because I really like you. But I've never done this before and it makes me a little nervous," she whispered.

The boyish smile that appeared on his face was something she wasn't expecting.

"You like me?"

It just dawned on her that she said it. Out loud.

Yet she couldn't bring herself to feel embarrassed. He seemed genuinely happy with her confession and to be honest, she was happy to have finally said it as well.

With a small smile, she nodded in confirmation. She really did like him.

He lowered his lips down to hers again briefly, but she pulled away before he could distract her all the way.


Confusion swept over his handsome face before it went to neutral and then settled back to the smile he wore before.

"Obviously I like you too, Nat."

She grinned broadly at his confession, feeling like a giddy schoolgirl again. He briefly kissed her again, too briefly for her liking. She couldn't dwell on it for too long because he reached into his back pocket and retrieved something from it.

"I almost forgot," he started while handing the item over, "I got you something."

"You didn't have to, the fact you're here with me is enough," she replied. And she meant it. yet, deep down she was curious about what he'd gotten her.

"I already got it so you kind of have to accept it," he said, causing her to giggle lightly. She allowed him to put it in her hands, but she still wasn't sure what it was.

They'd been out here for a while and the sun was almost completely gone. The sky was clear and void of clouds, allowing the moon to illuminate everything just enough for them to see. The lack of light pollution caused every star to be visible to them, but Nathalia was too caught up in him to notice.

She held the little package closer to her eyes and squinted. It was made of paper so it was probably just the wrapping. She fumbled with the package a bit before something suddenly fell out and onto her lap. The first thing she noticed was the fact it twinkled beautifully in the dim moonlight.

Gently, she scooped it up and inspected it. It was a silver-colored necklace with a beautiful stone that shone like a diamond. She involuntarily gasped at the piece of jewelry, it was gorgeous.

"It's beautiful," she said in awe, "Thank you."

He didn't respond to that right away. Instead, he held out his hand. Sensing his intentions, she gently laid the necklace in his palm and swept her hair to the side. His fingers gently brushed her neck as he ever so lightly secured it around her neck.

He kissed the spot just above it before whispering, "You're beautiful." It was cheesy, and he probably knew it, but it was enough to make her melt in his arms.

They stayed and watched the stars for a while longer, while Nathalia grew sleepier and sleepier.

She'd only realized she'd fallen asleep when she woke up in his arms when he carried her back to the house bridal style. She wanted to protest, to tell him to put her down, but she found that she actually kind of liked being carried that way.

Besides, it was too dark for her to trust herself to walk back to the house without stumbling over something. So this was probably the safest option anyway. She wrapped her arms around his neck, making him chuckle lightly.

She reflected on the day for a bit, and a smile crept across her face. It had been the best birthday she could've wished for, especially during these circumstances. His strange behavior earlier that day suddenly made sense too and she felt so silly thinking back.

When they finally reached the house a blast of warm air hit her face. She hadn't realized how cold the weather had gotten until she regained some warmth. He continued his way up the stairs and carried her all the way to her bedroom until they reached her bed.

He gently put her down on the edge, allowing her to untie her shoes. When she finished he couched down before he leaned forward to press his lips to hers. She reached up to cup his face and deepened the kiss. Before long, they had to pull away to take a breath.

Much to her dismay, he pulled away entirely before reaching up to sweep a strand of hair out of her face. "Good night, Nathalia," he whispered before retreating to his room.

She wanted to reach out and ask him to stay. But she was afraid she'd come across as needy since they spent the entire day together. So she threw in a quick 'good night' before he closed her door.

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