The boys find yours and his messages

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"Babe have you seen my phone?" Brad asked me from upstairs "no Brad, have you asked the boys they might of seen it" I screamed back. Yeah that's right the boys are sleeping round here tonight and they have been here all day and I love them lots but they eat so much! "Hey give that back!" I heard someone shout "never!!" Said another voice... It was pretty noisy up there so I decided to go upstairs and there I found tris with brads phone "ooh y/n I can't wait to come home and get you undressed then ea-" "Oi tris" Brad screamed and well let's say they had quite a girly squabble 💖

Connor: "ooh y/n I love you so much" "awh bubs I love you so much more" " no I love you more" "but I love you the most baby" tris and James giggled. We were playing a game and we had to guess who they were mimicking and I'll tell you what it sounds just like one of the messages I just sent to Connor. I heard my phone go off signalling that I had a message but when I went to get it out my pocket and it wasn't there.. Brad was the closest to me and I looked over his shoulder and I saw he was reading all the messages me and Connor were sending to each other and let's say it didn't end well for him 💘

James:(his pov) I wish you were here, yeah I wish you were here music is better and right now I wish you were here" I sang whilst I did my workout in the gym. Today was my day off so I have been texting my girlfriend and well at the gym it has been a good day. "hey James come over here a sec" Brad shouted at me.. I walked over with the towel chucked over my shoulder, "y/n said she can't wait to see what you have in store for her tonight ... daddy" I quickly grabbed my phone and texted y/n telling her the boys saw the message, and wow now we're going to be teased lots!💙

Tris: "ooh tris show me your animal" "please I really need to see what my boyfriends animal looks like;)" the boys teased they had grabbed my phone when I was May or may not sleeping and now they have seen all the messages y/n has been texting me... And yeah they were pretty embarrassing but were boyfriend and girlfriend it's what we do and plus we haven't seen eachother I'm months 💬❤️

These sucked I know aha, yeah keep starring and messaging for anything I really want you guys too!" ~Amber

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