#57 you fight part 2

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Connor - "Connor wait up please!!" You screamed from halfway down the road. "No just go away I don't want to see a cheater" "I'm not a cheater just let me explain please" you begged to talk to him and after a few more pleads he stopped. He had been crying, "Connor baby listen I don't hate you and I wouldn't cheat on you. When you were out I met up with Y/Bf/N and she brought along Olly. We got bored and went to the park, so we started talking and I learned he's a big fan of you guys and then he told me how he's in a long distance relationship with a guy named Ryan. So when I figured out how much he loves you and the others, I brought him back to ours to meet you" you looked down at his hands and grabbed ahold of them "you promise you love me and not him" he looked so sad and you didn't like that, so you just pulled him in for a kiss. "I'm so sorry baby girl, I love you so much" "I love you too con, forever and always" you pecked his lips again.

James - it was now the next day and you had to turn your phone off because of all the hate and phone calls from James. He had tried coming to the house but Brad wouldn't let him in. You turned your phone on even though you didn't really want to. And as you did you revived a message from James. It read
Dear Y/N,
I don't know if you're getting these but if you are then please give me one hour to explain. I know this won't make up for anything and I can understand if you hate me. But I still love you and I always will, she meant nothing to me. You're the one I love, just please let me in. Please.
I love you
James. xxx

You didn't want to let him in this easy but you loved him and you didn't want to let him go so you replied.

Dear James,
It's going to take a pretty good explanation but you have one hour, come round I'll deal with Brad but this won't make things go back to the way they were you hurt me and I can't forget that. I love you..
Y/N xx

You asked Brad to stay in the house but just in the little room next to yours so he could help if needed. It was about fifteen minutes later and James looked as rough as hell. A bloody nose, red puffy eyes and messy hair. You didn't like seeing him this way but he brought into himself. You opened the door, "come in" you said whilst looking down. "We'll speak in my room okay?" He nodded and walked behind me. We walked into my bedroom and he spoke "thanks for talking to me" I smiled and gestured for him to carry on. "Listen I don't really know why I did that, I wasn't myself and I was trying to figure out something to ask you but it all got to much and I couldn't handle it. I should have just asked you the way you wanted it to be." You didn't know what he's on about, until he got down on one knee "Y/N listen even though we fight and I'm really stupid sometimes, I love you so so much and I want to be able to spend everyday of my life with you.. So um will you please marry me?" You didn't speak for a while seeming as you just had to process it and what just happened but you really didn't want to let him go. "Awh James you are the best person in the world, and I don't want one little thing to come between us and I hope that you'll never do what you did again, and I hope that our lives can come together.  So yes I'll marry you" he smiled and came up to you "I love you" he smiled. "I love you too"
"Are you guys okay..?" Brad asked through the door. "Brad me and James are getting married!" You beamed through the door and opened it up for him, he stood looking slightly shocked "I'm happy for you guys just I swear to fucking God James if you hurt her again I will kill you, and you're gonna have to make it up to us for a long time" he grinned but came and hugged us anyway. You spent the rest of the night telling everyone the news and making sure James was super sorry for what he did.

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