Authours note!

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Hey guys! Been a while since I've updated on here right?

Well I have some amazing news, I hope you all remember my friend Abby. She was a co author on this book, we started it together, and well a close family member of hers died a while back and she decided to stop writing but I am happy to tell you that she is coming back, we have been talking about it for quite some time and she had missed it so much, I thought lets get back together and make this book, the best book it can be! I have missed her writing with me so much and cannot be happier that she is coming back!

It has been a long time coming and well I just hope she comes back well! I know we have missed her and its just such good news, and I'm hoping she will update asap or after she sees this!

Lots of love you guys,
-Amber&Abby 💙

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