#4: He makes you feel insecure

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this is just going to be tris then the other boys since its getting annoying wattpad says we can't have all 4 in some and were  just like WHATTTTTT:o haha so we'll  update later :)) xx ~Amber&Abby

Tris: The boys were coming over today to just hang. since it was there day off, and there was really nothing else to do. You felt a little odd it was like tris had well 'ditched' you as soon as the boys came he completely ignored you. Until Connor asked you to join them for the movie and as you would with tris usually, you sat on his lap but this time he didn't wrap his arms around you, he pushed you off. “noo y/n your too heavy" that hurt you because you had always been considered fat and Tristan knew that. So you just see ya later to the boys except tris and walked upstairs. You slammed then locked the door and flopping down on the bed thinking about how fat and heavy you were even to the people you loved. After about 1 hour you heard a faint knock on the door and a sniffle coming from the other side, you knew it was Tristan but you weren't forgiving him that easily.

"y/n please come out I didn't mean it  like that,  I just didn't want the  boys seeing how we cuddled because they say I'm whipped, cuz of you but I didn't want them to see that they were right okay your not heavy your perfect. I know that isn't an excuse for you to forgive me but please I love you, and I'm sliding something under your door princess please open it. and if you want to go be down for 10:30 please." Tris slid a slip of paper under your door and you picked it up and it read :ALL TIME LOW CONCERT AND BACKSTAGE PASSES. you had always loved all time low and you were so overjoyed you did get changed and that stuff. You had. hanged into an all time low T-shirt and high waisted shorts and black vans. As soon as you walked downstairs the boys were still playing and tris was on the table as soon as he saw you he came up to you and hugged you, like he thought he lost you and I don't know how many times he apologised till he realised we had to leave for the concert.

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