Its that time again....!

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It's that time again to thank you all! I have been checking over the weeks how many likes and votes the book has been getting and let me say it's kinda crazy how just s few weeks ago we were at like 2.3K now you guys have gotten me to 4.73K I know this probably doesn't mean a lot to you guys but it means so much to me because I write these and it's something I do a lot and I am so happy that you like them it means the world to me!🙈 like I wouldn't write these if you didn't like them and yeah I guess just ill keep writing away and again thank you so much I love all of you so so so much! And oh one last thing
- who's your favourite YouTuber? Answer in the comments!

Mines Joe Sugg 😍😍 haha thank you again and I'll update soon I have so many ideas so ill get to work writing them!x
~ Amber 🙈🙉

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