Another boy in the band hits on you part #2

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James~ "Y/N baby where are you?" James shouted through your apartment. "In the kitchen james"

A few seconds later, two hands slithered around your waist. "Is it okay if connor comes round; whilst I nip to the shops I don't want you here all alone" "yeah of course I love connor" you replied.
"Sweet Cuz he's outside" he giggled. As he left, connor walked in and plopped himself down on the sofa.
"hey Y/N come sit next to me" con shouted through the living room. "Hold on just getting my hot chocolate" as you walked in you saw that Connor had fifty shades of grey on the TV. It's a setting that I didn't expect connor to watch. But you say with him anyway because he obviously wanted to chill with you.

"Hey, like have you and James ever done any of this kind of stuff?" "What no?" "Oh did you want to try it?" He smirked at you a little, scooting closer to you. "Um no, uh it's never kinda crossed my mind.." You moved further away from him, trying to stop him making any type of move on you.

Suddenly Connor pounced on you. Trying to kiss you at the same time. But being as strong as you are you managed to push him off enough to get up and outside. Luckily enough James was just pulling up to the driveway.

You sat on the step waiting for James to get out the car. "Baby what are you doing outside?" "Oh nothing, I just wanted some air" "oh okay, are you sure? Has Connor done something?" "Uh well he tried to make a move on me..." As soon as you said that James was inside and he had Connor pinned against a wall. "You little prick, you lay a hand on my girlfriend again and your dead. Do you understand me?" Connor nodded and walked as fast as he could to the door. "I'm so sorry Y/N it will never happen again. Sorry James" and he finally walked away.

Connor~ Today was the annual paint balling day. Well for you, Connor and Bradley. Seeming as you and Connor were dating and Brad was his best friend. You all wanted to bond some more. So because it was odd teams. You brought along your bestfriend Jenny // who was also dating Brad // ironic right? "Hey Jenny, how are you?" "Good, right cmon enough chit chat! Teams?" She said. "How about Jenny and Connor, and Y/N and I" Brad suggested "sure" everyone had agreed, everyone got into uniform and headed into the 'war' zone. You and Brad were good friends so you trusted him. Well until this....

"Listen Y/N I really like Jenny but I love you..." Brad blurted out. "Yeah well I love Connor and that's not gonna change" you stated back at him. "Are you a photographer because I can picture you and me together" Brad had actually tried pick up lines on you. "Stupid cheesy pick up lines won't work on me, let's split up and try to find them" so you went left and Brad right.

Soon there was only Brad and Connor in the game. Trying to find eachother whilst I spoke to Jenny about my experiences with Brad, weirdly enough she already knew. She knew he was going to flirt with you but she isn't upset just concerned which is typical Jenny. Connor knew too, but he knew you'd stay loyal to him, because your love is very strong nothing Brad can destroy. Stating that, Connor won the paintball like always ..

Connors is so bad I literally have no energy to write at the moment but I need to:) 😂 so I am opening a space in the book for other people to write to. So technically you will be my co-writer! But before I do choose, if you did want it you would have to send a small imagine that you have written! If it's good then you may become my co-writer 💕


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