Hello again

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Hey people! 🤔 Anyone who has the new update for the iPhone will know about the 150 new emojis !! They are incredible🤖 But anyway I just wanted to say sorry I haven't updated my parents took my phone away for a week then after that I locked it and I forgot my password 😱😱 Go me! I'm back now and better than ever 🤓 So here's the new imagine:

Brad smut // the others guys accidentally walk in on you two.

"Mhmm baby, I love you so much" Brad whispered into your ear.
He placed his hand down on the small of your back, and pushed you up against the bed. Being the person you are, you wanted to be in charge of what was happening so you grabbed Brad and forcefully pushed him on the bed and started to kiss him. But you had to be quiet the boys were a few rooms down playing video games. So whilst you two are kissing and handling each other you got lost in the moment. You were both sweaty and moaning in each others mouths. But you didn't notice the boys laughing outside the door. Suddenly they all burst in, luckily you still had your underwear on so all you did was quickly hide under the covers whilst Brad shouts at the boys.
"Get out you guys!!" Brad shouted
"Mhmm baby, I love youuu" James mocked him.
You couldn't help but laugh from under the covers whilst Brad kicked the boys out and came back to finish what he started. 😉😏

- Amber🙂

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