#55 - you fight 2/4

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"You're such a clingy bitch, why can't you ever give me space!" Tristan and you had been fighting for the past half an hour. "Oh I'm sorry that I want to actually spend precious time with my boyfriend who I never get to see" you spat back at him, which made him clench his fists and go red in the face. He was so angry, "you think that I like being away for so long? You think I don't like spending time with you? Is that really what you think?" He inched his body closer to yours so there was only a centimeter between you "Well sometimes yeah, it's like you never text or call or even just an 'I love you' it's like you don't  notice me anymore so I try to grab onto anytime with you tris"   He just stepped back and walked out the door, slamming it shut behind him.
In the time he had been gone, you had texted about 20 times and called him minute after minute, you felt terrible for what you said. You just didn't want him to leave again you miss him so much and it's the hardest thing ever. You were curled up on the bed, eating Ben and Jerrys ice cream and watching Marley and Me waiting until Tristan came home and you could apologize.

- 3 hours later -

You heard the door shut and a sad looking Tristan with red baggy eyes came and grabbed your hands. "Baby I'm so sorry, I don't think your clingy. It's just hard leaving you all the time" His words made you melt inside, "Trissy you have nothing to be sorry for, I am sorry though. I just miss you so much. Will you forgive me?" You looked down at the bed sheets, and Tristan's finger gently pushed your chin up to look at him directly in the eyes. "I love you Y/N" he kissed you passionately and snuggled up to watch as many movies as possible.

Connor -
Today Connor was out with the boys for a treat because they had finished their new album. He insisted that you went too but you didn't want to intrude. So instead you called your best friend Y/Bf/N over and invited her over. You were wearing a red lace top with long sleeves and black ripped skinny jeans with black converse. Soon she arrived but not alone, she was with one of her friends 'Olly'. You all got inside and hung out for a while, until you all got bored and decided to go to the park. You learned a lot about Olly, like he was actually into The Vamps, ATL and football. He also told you that he was gay, and he told you all about his boyfriend who lives far away from him but they love each other and decided to give a long distance relationship a go. Soon your best friend decided she was going to leave to meet her boyfriend and you invited Olly back to yours and Connors. You couldn't wait to introduce him to Connor seeming as how much he loves him. You giggled to yourself knowing how he would react. You got back to your house, laughing so hard at a joke Olly told you. You walked in to see a crying Connor the sofa. "Connor baby what's wrong?" You asked worried. "D- do you love me?" You were shocked at why he would ask this. "Oh Connor of course I do, why would you think that I don't?" "Because I saw you with that guy in the park and he was really close to you. I know you were cheating on me" "woah babe I'm not cheating on you, he's one of Y/Bf/N friends I just met him today" you explained "don't give me that excuse Y/N everyone says that" "um hi Connor, I'm Olly and really you've got all of this wrong" Olly spoke and as soon as he said that Connor got up, pushed past you and punched Olly in the mouth. "I hate you Y/N can't believe I love you" and with that he was gone. Gone forever.

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