#3: first date

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Brad:  (your p.o.v)

It had been two days since Brad asked for my number and tonight was our first date. He told me to dress casually, nothing to fancy. I really wanted to know where he was taking me, but he insisted on a surprise. I had about 3 hours till Brad picked me up, he was picking me up at 1. In the end I ended wearing light blue skinny jeans; red converse; a red baseball top and a beanie. I did my hair in long bouncy curls which ended right at my bum, I did some natural makeup and light pink lipstick. Which took up another hour so I ha time for some lunch and some rest haha! It was about 30 minutes later then brad knocked on the door and he looked so handsome. 

"Hey y/n! you look really pretty today" "um aha thank you, you look handsome too Brad" i said blushing, "aha thanks y/n, should we go?"

"oh yeah haha course duh;)" he giggled and we waled out the door towards his car. Being the gentleman he is he opened and shut my car door. His gestures were so cute, after about 30 minutes of driving we arrived at the funfair. Cliche but so cute, he opened the door and held his hand out for me which I gladly accepted. We rode on loads of rides for the whole day and brad led us to the Ferris wheel which I absolutely hated, fear of heights you see. They just stop at the top its so scary! But I didn't let Brad know that its so embarrassing so I just went with it. Big. Mistake. We had stopped at the top and by now I was sweating and panting it was bad. Brad had realised and well grabbed me and pulled me close wrapping his arms around me and whispering sweet nothings into my ear till we landed on the ground again. when we got on the ground again I jumped out and stood there, soon after brad joined and apologised for taking me one.

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