#56 4/4 - you fight

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"Bradley Will Simpson!! You get your ass in here right now!" You screamed through your shared apartment. You were angry as you had been working all week for over 8 hours a day for this big assessment at your work place. You asked Brad to do simple chores around the house in time for Christmas but the house was even messier than before, Christmas was only 2 days away. "Woah baby girl why you shouting" he didn't even realize that you were being serious. "Ugh Bradley I asked you to do some chores because I've been so busy at the moment. Why couldn't you do it?!" You spat back at him "oh I didn't know that your job was more important than mine. I'm busy too Y/N I have a job to attend to and I don't always have time to do this fucking shit for you" he basically just ripped you to pieces, he had never shouted at you like that. Even if he was angry he never spoke like that. You just broke down in tears and ran out the door, Brad obviously new you needed time and left you alone.
It had been around 20 minutes and you were sat in the park crying your eyes out on the swings. It was actually where he asked you to be his girlfriend. All those memories came flashing back at you.
• Flashback •
"Umm well Y/N we could go to the swings.. I know it's your favorite place to think" Brad smiled at you as you grabbed his hand and pulled him down the street to the park. "Push me Brad!!" He laughed at you and started pushing you, even though you were getting dirty looks from parents and random strangers you didn't care because you were there with him, you're crush. Until he broke the laughing and the smiley faces. "Listen Y/N I really really like you and I uh was wondering if you'd like to maybe get a coffee sometime. Like you don't have to - I'd totally get it if you di-"  you just giggled and smiled "awhh Brad stop rambling and yeah I'd love to"
Someone broke you out of your thoughts "Y/N baby,  you okay?" You looked down to see a sad Brad, with red swollen eyes from crying and it just broke you. Without saying a word you smashed your lips into his and he happily kissed back. "I cleaned the whole apartment and I've ordered your favorite takeaway" "awhh you big softie, I love you Brad" "I love you too, now my lady lets get home" you walked back home arm in arm happily.

James - "babe where did you go earlier, you weren't in bed" you asked your boyfriend of one year. "Out" he replied hastily. "Well I figured that but where about, anywhere fun?" You asked and giggled a little. "Oh just shut the fuck up" you snapped back at you. This wasn't normal for him but just ignored it anyway, you weren't in the mood to fight. You went to have a shower giving James time to cool off. You came out and before you opened the door you heard James talking to someone on the phone. "Hey baby, yeah y/n isn't listening she's in the shower, I miss you so much" he laughed at something she said and you kept listening "yeah I will, I'm gonna dump her don't worry, god she's so clingy. I'll do it tonight on our date" Tonight by the way was mine and James' 6 month anniversary. Well it won't be now, you walked out the room blanking James. "Hey princess" he wrapped his arm around your waist, but you pushed him off "woah what was that for" he asked. But you blanked him anyway, "y/n what's wrong?" You just carried on picking out clothes to wear and got changed. You then grabbed your phone and walked out the house, not letting James know that you know he's a cheater. In 15 minutes you arrived at brads house, he was your older brother so he would know exactly what to do. You knocked on his door and after a few minutes Tristan opened the door and asked "hey y/n what's up?" He asked "Brads here right?" You quickly asked him "yeah he is in the back with Connor, what's wrong sweetie?" He looked concerned as he was one of your bestfriends you completely broke down in front of him and he immediately rubbed your back and shouted for the other boys and they came dashing through the doors and as soon as Brad saw you he came and hugged you.  "Sis what's wrong, is it James?" Brad looked worried and he looked as if he was about to cry. "James is a dick, he's cheating on me, I heard them talking on the phone, he's gonna dump me at out dinner tonight" brads face started to turn a dark red and he had his fists clenched. He ran out the door got in his car and down to yours and James' shared apartment. You tris and Connor obviously followed. As you arrived you saw the door was open and you ran in to make sure no one was dead. What you saw was terrible, Brad was ripping some blonde of James and was now punching James in the nose. Tristan and Connor pulled him off and restrained him and the blonde covered herself up and you stared at James in disappointment. You quickly grabbed a suitcase an ran upstairs with tear stained cheeks, packing everything you could. As you were about to leave the bedroom the door slammed shut and James stood there staring at you. "Y/N I'm so sorry, I love you" he tried to explain but you just weren't listening" Brad then came running up the stairs banging on the door "let her out you fucker!" He screamed. "James I loved you, how could you do this" you said calmly. "I - I don't know" he looked at the floor and you walked past him walking out the room, and downstairs to where everyone was waiting. Tristan took your things as you waited for Brad to walk downstairs, he took your arm and you wakes out together. Never wanting to look at James again. 

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