#61 - texts when he's on tour

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Tristan - Hiya baby, I miss you so much. Tour is going great but I wish you were here with me, only 1 week till you join me! I can't wait to hold you and kiss you. I hope you're missing me, oh did you get the present I got you? You can skype me later and tell me all about your day. I love you xoxox - Trissy

Brad - God I miss you. Baby girl you're the best and just stay calm okay, I know you miss me but it's only a few more days till you can see me. I can't wait to see you and your beautiful face, I have missed you so so much. I love you okay xxx - Bradley boo

James - You have no idea how much I love you, it hurts baby girl. And you know what else hurts, being away from you for so long. But the best part is when I get to see you and hug you and tell you how beautiful you really are even though you'll just tell me your not. I love it when you bite your lip and it drives me crazy when I can't kiss them but I'll always be back. I'm not letting you go, never ever. I love and miss you so much, I can't wait to see you princess. - James xxx

Connor - Tours only a few more weeks then we can finally be back in each others arms. Don't watch big hero 6 without me! God I miss you so much, I love you lots and I'll see you soon. FaceTime me now baby girl! Xxxx - Con

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