Authors note//competition

376 5 2

Okay so just to start, it's me Amber here! I would just like to let you know that Abby may not be doing the preferences for a while because a family member of hers in the hospital :'( and she said she will be back soon hopefully 🙈

And lastly I would just like to say that a certain someone has been voting for our preferences for a while and it's nice she is actually reading these and voting for them! And we would like to say thanks! Because well we aren't the best at this so yeah... The winner is.......... @TheVampsGeorgiee :) you can have a preference or imagine, anything really :D

And we would also like to say thank you for 1.28K it's a lot to us that you guys are sticking around and reading these so yeah THANK YOU!!! Aha 😘
That's it lovelies and oh we love you!! 😘😘👌💁💖💕

~Amber&Abby 👭

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