Student Of The Year3

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Priyanka's P.O.V.
"What it means Abhishek you like both of us equally what's this madness she's just an new comer in college and from today only you like her and me equally how can this be
I know you are kind hearted but still you are comparing me with her Abhishek

Abhishek's P.O.V.
I am not comparing you with Aisha but I am just telling that I like all the girls equally in this college because if I like you more than other girls other girls will feel bad,okay if all the girls have a crush on me if I haded any crush on any girlokay I might like her more than the other girls but all the girls are my best friend as usual".

Priyanka says"OK it means you have a crush on Aisha not on me"

Abhishek says
"Shut up Priyanka he says angrily enough is enough I am explaining you but you are not understanding only".

Aisha says"Abhishek don't be angry be clam"

Priyanka say's
"All this is happening because of this Aisha she says looking at Aisha's face angrily otherwise Abhishek never ever talk with me like this,this Aisha should not be this college".

"Priyanka stop saying meaningless things there's no fault of Aisha don't blame her she was just talking with me and you only started all this" Abhishek says angrily to Priyanka staring at her eyes.

"Abhishek for just this Aisha you are starting our fight"Priyanka says doing big eyes.This Aisha wants to broke our friendship.

"Priyanka I said na don't blame Aisha for that it's no flault of her,what I am saying you are not understanding only."

Aisha says
"It's my fault only I should only not come to Abhishek to talk with him,I am sorry Priyanka please don't start your fight because of me"

Abhishek say's to Aisha
"No Aisha don't say sorry you have done nothing"

Priyanka says
"Wow Abhishek there's no fault of Aisha you are blaming me for it not Aisha means you like her more than me"

"Priyanka why don't you understand now enough is enough plz go from go from her"Abhishek says to Priyanka.

Priyanka P.O.V.
"Why will I go if any one will go so that's Aisha not me and Abhishek you told na that I am your best friend then why are you not supporting me why are you supporting her"

Abhishek's P.O.V.
"I am not supporting you because you are wrong it's your fault not Aisha's ,and now plz go from here let it you will not go I will only go".

"Abhishek wait Abhishek"
Priyanka shouts.

Priyanka's Aisha
"See because of you all this is happening why are so jealous of our friendship that you want to broke it and I am giving you waring stay away from Abhishek"she say's angrily with her big staring eyes.

Saying this Priyanka walks away.

"Aisha goes to a silent room she sits in a corner and says "All this is happening because of me Abhishek and Priyanka's fight reason is me if I would not go to Abhishek's art room to ask him all this would not happen it's my fault I'll go to Abhishek and try to explain him not to broke his friendship with Priyanka I'll stay away from Abhishek otherwise I don't know what-what will happen" she cries sitting in a corner and says.

That was about Ch4.
I will update Ch5 soon,till then plz read my posted Chapters.

And Abhishek's and Priyanka's fight no fault of Aisha's but still sweet Aisha is sitting in a corner and crying😭.

Let's see what happens next till then bye.
Thank you❤

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