Chapter 6

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Jodie can hear the sound of the organ music playing in the church. Her heart is beating fast and her palms are sweaty as she holds her boquet of flowers. She takes a deep breath and exhales.

The door opens and she sees hundreds of eyes on herr. Jodie's dad puts out his arm and she puts hers around his. They walk slowly towards the altar with a smile on their faces while looking around at people. Jodie is a bit disappointed that Heather is not able to be in her wedding, especially since they're best friends. 

Jodie's and Lex's eyes lock on each other and a smile is glued on their faces. They both cannot believe that this is happening. Jodie is going to live with the love of her life for as long as she lives!

Jodie and her dad reaches the altar and Jodie kisses her dad on the cheek before he goes to his seat. She looks at Lex and they are still smiling. 

The priest gives a sign for the people to sit down.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Mr. Lex Luthor and Ms. Jodie Herling." The Priest starts. 

Once the wedding finished, Lex and Jodie kisses and there are people taking pictures of them. It is a very romantic moment. 

When they finish, they walk outside with a crowd of people behind them. As they reach outside, Jodie throws the bouquet of flowers behind her and Chloe catches it. She looks at everyone with surprise as they woot for her. 

Jodie cannot help but laugh. 

The limousine has come and they enter it. Jodie waves good-bye to them as the limousine slowly drives away.

Lex's arm is around Jodie's shoulder and she leans on his shoulder. He kisses the top of her head. 

"We're married." He says, as if he just noticed.

"Yeah." She replies. 

"Now, just imagine us having kids and then raising them to be independent adults."

Jodie chuckles. "Lex, you're looking too far in the future."

"I always wanted that future."

Jodie smiles and kisses his cheek. "It's going to happen someday."

Lex looks at her with his green eyes staring into her hazel eyes. Then, they both lean into each other and kiss. They don't even care if the driver is looking.

- - - - -

Clark drives him and her mom home. 

"I cannot believe that Jodie is married." Martha says with astonishment.

"Well, it's her choice, mom."

"I know that, but it's just..."



"She's basically an adult now."

"You're right. I shouldn't nose around their business."

Clark puts a sheepish smile. Clark looks at the road with concentration. But then he thinks of Heather. How their wedding will me. Snap out of it. Like what Milton says, Heather might not be iny future. Clark says to himself.

"How's Lana?" Martha asks.

"She's doing great. She's going to Metropolis University with Chloe five days from now."

"Well that's nice."


They reach their home, Clark parks the car outside the house and exits. Then he goes to the barn and into his loft, where he usually goes. He super-speeds halfway and walks going up just in case someone is there. 

Once he reaches upstairs, he sees Lois sitting on the couch. She looks at him and he can see that she has been crying. 

"Lois, what happened?" Clark asks, going towards her. 

She sniffles. "Oliver and I broke up."

"Give me the details."

"So, Oliver and I were supposed to have a trip today... Alone..." She starts, "that's why I wasn't in Jodie's wedding because I thought that Oliver and I were supposed to spend some time together. But guess what, when I got there, I can already see it on his face that he can't come."

Clark looks at her with sympathy. 

"Clark, I just want to have a boyfriend that doesn't go here and there whenever I need him." 

"The time will come, Lois." 

Lois sniffles again. 

Clark hears this ringing noise and he wince in pain. 

"Clark, what's wrong?" Lois asks. 


"You sure? Because you look like you need Doctor Dolittle right now."

"Lois, I'm fine." 

Clark walks down and then he superspeeds off to the fortress.

- - - - -

Hei :)

I don't know what time it is in your place, but here it is Wednesday.  Sorry that I'm a bit late, if I am. I'm really sorry, I've been to caught up with school and I have a test tomorrow which I studied hard with. I hope you can understand. 

Anyway, here is your chapter. Sorry that it is short, but this is all that I've got. 

Check out my other account: @Graceful_Gryphon        

Thanks for reading!!


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