Chapter 20

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Tess has thought of an idea and travels to Zod. But once she gets there, he is in anger and yells.

"We have failed once again!" Zod yells to Tess.

She remains calm, but she is afraid in the inside. "I have an idea." She says in the most calm voice she has.

"What is it?" Zod snaps.

"We could kidnap him," Zod face brightens, but sinks again thinking it could fail. "Oh, don't worry, Zod. I know a place where there are Green Kryptonite. We can trap him in there and get his blood."

"Now that is a plan." Zod laughs, and slowly everyone joins in. The thought of having powers again excites them. Tess smiles at her achievement. "You will be the savior of Kandor." Zod says to Tess and everyone cheers for her.

- - - - -

Clark is in the barn doing his chores as always. Carrying the hay, he hears a crashing sound coming from the loft. Dropping it and going up the stairs, he hopes for Heather to be there.

"Hello?" He calls out, halfway to the loft. And suddenly, he feels a stinging pain at his back, his knees feel weak and he falls to the ground.

No, not this again...

He groans in pain and then becomes unconscious.

"Wonderful!" Zod exclaims while he is walking beside Tess. "Now the plan will work!"

- - - - -

Clark hears tap on the glass, which makes him wake up. He tries to stand up, but feels pain all over his body again. Clark looks around and he's surrounded with Green Kryptonite and trapped in a box.

Green Kryptonite. He thinks to himself. He knows this is all Tess's doing, trying to please Zod. This is all for herself.

"C'mon, Tess, I know you're better than that!" He yells through the glass, surprised that he can still speak.

Someone enters the box that he's in, and he tries to escape, but he feels more pain making him weaker.

A person in a white suit has an injection, inserting it to his arm, getting his blood and then walk away.

"Thank you, Kal-El." Clark hears Zod's voice over the speakers.

- - - - -

Feeling powers surge through his body, Zod feels happy and can finally think he will rule over this planet.

"Thank you, Tess." He says again after a billion of thanks. With just a bit more blood, Zod and his Kryptonians have powers to help him take over.

Zod looks again at the window, seeing how helpless Clark is in that box of Green Kryptonite.

"Set him free." Zod commands the team and they obediently do as what he says. He turns toward Tess. "What would I do without you?"

"Still be in that abandoned building, plotting failure plans to get to Clark." She replies, then leaving the room. Zod chuckles and shake his head.

- - - - -

Hei :)

So, this is all that I will give you. And I think that the action will come sooner but the end of the book will too. So, to not make this book end soon, I thought maybe make the chapters shorter... If you guys disagree, please comment below.

Anyway, I'm off to my trip for the summer and you won't be hearing from me for 24 hours...

Check out my other account: @Graceful_Gryphon

Thanks for reading!!


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