Chapter 9

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"Where are we going?" Heather asks, blindfolded by Clark with some kind of cloth. Clark has been waiting for this moment. Ever since he saw Heather, he knew that he was going to tell her everything someday. And that someday, is today. 

"You'll see," Clark replies, leading her to the cave.

"Seriously, Clark, if this is a prank then I'm going to kill you," Heather threatens jokingly and both of them chuckles. 

"It's not,"

"Great," Heather says, exhaling and relaxing a bit. "Why do I have to wear a coat and gloves anyway? It's summer!"

"Just wait, Heather." 

As they enter the hidden way going to The Fortress, Clark unfolds Heather's blindfold and she gasps at what she's seeing. There is a table that looks octagonal and has some cryptic symbols written on it. "I've never seen this before." 

"That's because it was hidden." Clark pulls out the octagonal disk and inserts it in a slot. Then, they both see a bright light and Heather clasps tightly to Clark for protection. 

And when the light is gone, they are in a some kind of Fortress. "What is this place?" Heather questions. 

"Do you trust me?" Clark asks, avoiding Heather's question. Heather nods and Clark carries her bridal style as he jumps so high up, and lands on a cliff-like land. Heather looks down and looks back at Clark. 

"You..." Heather gives out a breath. "You did that," 

Clark nods. 


"I'm not from here, Heather..." Clark pauses. "I'm from another planet..." He continues, but looks for explanation. He turns around, his back facing Heather. "I was born in a planet called Krypton, but was sent here when I was a baby. Krypton exploded and that's why I was sent here. To be saved... From my dad." He explains. 

Heather walks closer to him, touching his should and he turns around. 

"I'm an alien, Heather."

"But you're still the handsom and caring Clark Kent I know." 

Clark smiles and kisses her for about 10 seconds. When they separate, he grabs out a rock from his pocket and crushes it, revealing a diamond. Then, he grabs out a ring, placing the diamond on top of it, and using his heat vision to connect it together. Clark goes down to one knee and asks, "Heather, will you marry me?" 

Heather is lost in words, but smiles. She cannot say how happy she is. Finally!! Heather exclaims. 

"Yes!" She says. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She says again. Clark smiles and puts the ring on her finger, Heather is in tears. Clark stands up and hugs her. They both cannot stop laughing and smiling. 

- - - - -

Hei :)

Short... Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I swear, maybe the next few chapter will be longer. It's because I have a surprise for you guys for the next few chapters. Which means that they might be long :D

Again, I'm sorry that this is short. 

Check my other account: @Graceful_Gryphon

Thanks for watching!!


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