Chapter 7

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As Clark Kent super-speeds up his way to the cave which leads to the Fortress. The ringing stops half-way. He is relieved and feel better all of  sudden. 

He remembers this feeling all to well. After all, this has happened before. Whenever there is something Jor-El would want Clark to know, he calls him with the ringing noise. 

When Clark enters the cave, he stops running and jogs to where the portal leads to the Fortress. He inserts the Octagonal disk which is the key and a bright light suddenly appears and he is standing in the middle of the Fortress. 

Son. Jor-El greets Clark. 

"Jor-El!" Clark yells, almost with an annoyed tone. "What is it?"

I've heard all about what you and Fine were talking about. 

"I was just asking about you." 

Yes, but you cannot trust Milton Fine. 

"Why is that?"

"Don't trust him, Kal-El." Clark hears Milton's voice behind him. He turns around and sees him walking up to him. "Remember what I said." Fine holds up a black long cylinder that has pointy ends. Clark knows what he should do. He goes to Fine and grabs it away from him too excitedly. At last, he thinks, I can finally get rid of you! 

Clark pierces the cylinder-looking-diamond on the Fortress. 

No, son! Jor-El says, but it's too late. There is a strong wind that kind of sips then in a black hole. Clark can hear the cackling laughter of Milton Fine. 

"You gullable, stupid, boy!" Fine teases him. Clark is raging into anger and want to kill him. "Zod will live again!" 

Clark super-speeds towards him and uses his super-strength to hurt him, but all Milton Fine does is smile at hiim evily. Clark smashes him to the ground, but it seems like Milton isn't hurt at all. "You cannot reverse this." Fine says, still smiling at him. 

He almost wants to give up. But no, he has to keep trying. He thinks of possible ways of destroying of what he has done. Soon, Clark feels like all his powers have been drained from him. He feels weaker. Clark falls down to the ground and Fine looks down at him. Then, he puts three fingers at him, which extends into a metal-looking-liker-fingers which pierces through his whole body. Pain is taking over him. 

- - - - -

Clark raises out of bed, heavy breathing and body sweating. It was all a dream? Clark asks himself. It almost feels like it's real. Clark grabs a shirt and walks downstairs. He sees his Martha cooking breakfast. 

"Morning, mom." He greets to her. 

"Morning, Clark." She greets back. 

"What happened yesterday?"

"What do you mean?"

"Because, all of a sudden, I have forgotten what happened." 

"That's weird."

"Yeah, well, could you tell me what happened?" 

"Jodie and Lex had a marriage, we came home and you were very tired and so you went to bed." She explains thoroughly as she is flipping the pancakes.

"Nothing else?"

"Nothing else."

Clark nods. "Thanks, mom." He kisses her cheek before leaving to see Chloe in the Daily Planet. Clark is mixed issues with Milton Fine. He is still wonering if he should still trust him or not. He looks up the dream as a sign. Kind of like a vision. 

As Clark nears the Daily Planet building, he stops at a appropriate spot and walks inside the building. He walks downstairs and looks from Chloe's desk and sees her typing on her computer. 

"Chloe." He says. 

"Clark, hi." She greets him, not taking a glance to Clark. 

"Chloe, this is important." 

"Hold on, Clark." She is still concentrated on her computer. Clark gives out an irritated sigh. 

"Okay, so--"

"Hold up." 

Clark is loosing his patience. 

"And done," Chloe says, smiling and then looking at Clark with an 'I'm interested' face. "What's up?"

"I had a dream." Clark says, finally. 

Chloe looks at him with a weirded out face. "A dream?"

"It's not an ordinary dream. It's more like a vision but in a dream form."

"So, you're saying that you dreamt of a future?"

Clark nods.

"Is this, like, your new superpower or something?"

"No. But it's about the Fortress, Milton Fine and Zod."


"I don't know about him either. But I'm pretty sure that this is going to happen sooner or later." 

"Clark, all I can tell you right now is keep your eye out," Chloe says, seriously. "I've been re-searching about Milton Fine, and he's not our everyday superhero guy as we thought."

- - - - -

Hei :)

Sooooooo sorry that this is short. But hey, I got to update at the right time this time :D

Anyway, I was a bit in a rush when I wrote this. It's because I took advantage of my free time since I barely get free time and I totally forgot to write Chapter 7. But a biiiiig surprise is going to happen on Chapter 8! I'm telling you. It's BIG! So, be excite for that, and I'm pretty sure THAT one will be long. 

Check my other account: @Graceful_Gryhon

Thanks for reading!!


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