Chapter 17

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Right after Zod left the cafe Clark super-speeds towards The Daily Planet and he catches up with Chloe. She jumps right when Clark appears right beside her.

"What is it now, Clark?" Chloe asks, entering the building.

"I found him." Clark replies, while they're going down to the basement.

"Who? Zod?" Chloe gives him a disapproving look. "So, all this time, during your honeymoon, you decide to look for Zod?"

Clark shrugs. "Well, not really."

Reaching the elevator, Chloe presses the 'up' button and waits. "Alright, explain."

"I didn't exactly find him, he more of found us," Clark waits for her reaction but decides to continue. "Heather met him in the cafe near our hotel while I was running errands."

The elevator makes a ting sound and the door opens. "Well, that's better." Chloe says, while they're going in the elevator. Chloe presses on the '3' button. "So, what are you going to do now?"

"When I was shaking his hand, Chloe, he was weak. It's like he doesn't have any powers."

"Well, maybe he just wants you to think that way."

"But we never know."

When they reach the third floor, everyone is looking at Clark.

"Hey, Kent, I thought you were having a break for your honeymoon?"

Once they heard this, Chloe turns to Clark. "I don't think you're supposed to be here. Go, Clark, before-"

"Well, I can see we have a familiar face here." Tess says, walking towards them.

"Look, Tess, he's just on his way out."

She scoffs and head her way to the elevator, still looking at them until the door closes.

"You have to go." Chloe says to Clark and he walks off. Once they don't see him, he super-speeds back to the hotel.

- - - - -

After two days of seeing Zod, Clark and Heather never heard from him ever again. Driving back home to Smallville, Clark thinks of where Zod would be.

But Clark can see the look on Tess's face before the elevator door closed. It's as if she knows something. Sort of hiding something. What could it be?

Reaching home, Heather's phone rings. She looks at the caller ID and it's from Jodie.

"Hey," she says, picking up the phone and closing the door of the truck. "What's up?"

"Hey, are you still in your honeymoon?" Jodie asks.

"No, just came back home actually." She drags the luggage to the house but Clark carries it for her.

"Great, do you want to meet up? I have something important to tell you!"

"Sure, when?" While opening the door of the house, everything is placed on it's place because of Clark. 'Thank you.' Heather mouths and Clark smiles.

"How's 30 minutes from now?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Alright, great. See ya later."

Heather goes back to the truck, picking up the keys before leaving. "Clark, I'm going to the Talon." She says, before leaving.

Heather sees Jodie sitting on a table with Lana, Lois and Chloe. Well, the group is back. Heather thinks, smiling as she comes toward them. There's something about Jodie that she can't point out. She looks different.

"Heather, hey, glad you could make it!" Jodie says, smiling at them. Heather sits down beside Jodie.

"So, what's so urgent that you had to calls us all here?" Lois asks, drinking from her coffee.

"Well..." Jodie takes a deep breath. "I'm pregnant."

Lois almost spills out her coffee just when she hears the word 'pregnant'.

Everyone, including Heather, congratulates her. But Lois is trying hard not to laugh.

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl, yet?" Lana asks.

"Ooo, I know a name!" Heather says.

"Do you like a boy or a girl?" Chloe asks.

Questions and questions are piling up for Jodie.

"Okay, okay, give the lady some space." Lois says, saving Jodie from all the noise.

"Thank you, Lois."

There's a chime meaning that someone is entering the cafe. Heather looks at the door and Lex walks in. Everyone turns to where she is looking and there are giggles coming.

"Looks like Daddy Lex is coming." Lois teases.

Once Lex approaching the group, he puts his hands on Jodie's shoulder. "Ready to go?" He asks.


Standing up, everyone says good-bye.

"Hey, take care of her!" Chloe says, Jodie and Lex smiles.

Heather questions if Clark would like a child some time. I wonder if he would like a girl or a boy. What if it's not possible! I mean, he is from Krypton. What would happen if a Kryptonian and a human... No, snap out of it. Don't even think about it.

"Don't tell me you're going to do it with Smallville, Heather!" Lois says, slumping back to her seat.

"C'mon, Lois, they would make lovely babies." Chloe says to Lois, defending Heather.

Lois makes a vomit sound and everyone laughs.

- - - - -

Hei :)

Sooooo sorry for late update!! Had to stay up late today after I did all my due stuff just to update!! Because I just felt so guilty for not updating!! Thank you AshleighTaylor for reminding me! I dedicate this chapter to you!!!

Oh, and please tell me if the story is boring. Please! Because I would like feedback!

Check out my other account: @Graceful_Gryphon

Thanks for reading!!


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