Chapter 21

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Zooming all across Metropolis with his Kryptonians, Zod cannot wait until this city will be his. And then the country. And then the WHOLE PLANET!

Clark has heard of all the crimes that's been going on in Metropolis and he's there in every single one. Saving people from firing buildings, bringing back the escaped prisoners to jail, and many more. Clark suspects that this is all Zod's doing, since he now has powers.

He tries to stop him, but whenever he does, Zod always super-speeds away. Now Clark knows how Chloe feels like whenever he doesn't listen to her.

Clark sits at his desk in The Daily Planet, as usual, and waiting for more alerts from the M.P.D. about whatever Zod will do next.

Just when Clark has his mind somewhere, the 'Alert' pop-up shows and he grabs his clothes and super-speeds away to the 3rd Prison Break.

He brings the escaped prisoners back to their cells and some of them left unconscious but trapped beside the Jail.

Clark spots Zod, Faora, and 3 more Kryptonians at the side of the road then disappears. He super-speeds to follow them, wanting to know where they've moved.

It's part of a construction site that's just being built, but a small building is beside it. He hides and watch what they're doing. Zod, Faora, and the 3 Kryptonians enter the building. Clark listens with his super-hearing.

"Kal-El has ruined all our plans!" He can hear Zod yell. "Maybe we should destroy him! But how..." And there's silence, this is the time when he super-speeds and show up surprisingly.

"I don't think you can, Zod." Clark says, now getting their attention.

Zod chuckles, "Well, well, well, look who decided to show up." Zod now appears in front of him.

"You may have powers from my blood, but I am still stronger than you!" Clark yells to all of them. He doesn't know why he should be mad. But he has every right to be mad, but he feels like it's wrong.

"Yes, that may be, Kal-El," Zod looks back at his Kryptonians. "But we're more than you!"

And suddenly, all of them attack him. Giving him pain all over his body. But, Clark thinks he shouldn't be like this. He thinks he should make them be scared of him. So, in the last strength he has, he super-jumps out of the building, and going to The Fortress for his father's advice.

"I need help to defeat Zod." Clark says, straightforward once he enters The Fortress.

"My son," Jor-El responds, "I believe this is your own fight to battle."

Clark thinks and then have an agreement. He has been asking too much advice from his father, that it's time he has to solve his own problems now that he's a married man.

"Thank you, dad." Clark says, but before he super-speeds off, his father says something.

"But I must tell you this, 'The world relies on you, Kal-El'." And with that, Clark nods and leaves The Fortress. Now knowing what he shall do to stop Zod.

- - - - -

Hei :)

So, I'm was in a plane when I was writing this. Why? Because I was bored out of my mind!! I mean, come on, 3 flights? Do you know how tiring that is? No, actually, it's 4.

Anyway, next chapter, I don't know if the action will come, but I'm pretty sure the end will come. Don't worry, there will be a book 3. Although, it's more romance than action. Because it will be about Heather and Clark and their babies :3

Check out my other account: @Graceful_Gryphon

Thanks for reading!!


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