Chapter 12

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Clark knows that things are going down. Once he hears the laughter in the void and a bright light appears sending him and Heather back to the farm. Clark knows that it must be Zod, because he has been hearing all about him and his good doings to Krypto from Milton Fine. But now, Clark is conviced that Milton Fine is the bad guy, he also thinks that Zod is the bad guy as well. 

"I have to find him, Chloe." Clark says. Chloe is engorssed on her monitor and not really listening to anything that Clark said about his plan. 

"Sorry, what?" Chloe snaps. 

"Have you been listening?" 

"No, sorry."

Clark sighs. 

"I'm sorry, I'm on a deadline and--"

"Well, this is more important than your deadline! The world is in danger, Chloe!" Clark calms down a bit. "If-- If Zod is not found at the right time--" Clark stops at his tracks, not if thinking of what's going to happen. He feels like the world all depends on him. Especially since he brought him out.  

"Look, the thing is... I've got to find him... Quickly." 

"But--" Just before Chloe finishes her sentence, Clark has already disappeared. "Damn it, I hate it when you do that!"

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Hey :)

I'm sorry that I didn't update for a long time and I kept you waiting. I'm also sorry for making this chapter. I'm sick and I can't really do anything and ran out of ideas. :(


Check out my other account: Graceful_Gryphon

Thanks for reading!!


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