Chapter 5

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A few days has passed and things has been going on. Jodie's wedding is being set up and Heathers has already left for California.

Jodie is at the Chapel where she and Lex are going to get married. She pictures herself in her wedding dress, walking down the aisle with a bouquet of flowers in her hand and Lex waiting for her at the altar.  It's going to be perfect! Jodie's says to herself. She can't help but smile at the thought.

She looks around the Chapel, the benches perfectly aligned and placed with bouquet of flowers at the sides. Just a few more days, and she's getting married. It's just like a dream come true.

Jodie thnks it's about time to get home. But maybe pass by the Talon to get some coffee, and if there's any friends she might talk a little. 

She walks towards her car, enter then drives off to the Talon.

Jodie sees her engagement ring on my finger and she just looks at it for a while, then continues looking at the road. She cannot believe that she will be married at the age of 19! She always thought that no guy would ever love her, and yet, her cousin-in-law did. 

It is kind of weird. But, as long as they're not really related in blood, it could be fine. 

She reaches the Talon and parks in an appropriate spot. Jodie exits the car; locks it; enters the Talon. 

Once she enters, Jodie sees Clark sitting alone at a table, while drinking coffee. She walks over to him and greets. 

"What's going on? What's with the sad face?" She asks. 

Clark fakes a smile. "Huh? Oh, nothing. Was just thinking."

Jodie nods her head un-surely and sits down. "You know, if you need anything, just have to ring me," she says, "I know you're devasted about Heather leaving, but--"

"I said I'm fine!" Clark half yells and half whispers. He stands up and leaves. 

Everyone is looking at the scene and Jodie is feeling embarrased. Maybe she shouldn't have gone too far about it. She knows that Clark doesn't want to talk about it, but still. She just want to be nice to him. After all, she did have a bit of a crush on him when they were in High School. 

Jodie stands up, once the crowd stops looking at her and starts minding their own business.

She walks towards her car, not even caring that she didn't get her coffee. This was a very embarrassing moment for her. Especially, when Clark exploded on her. She has never seen him like that before.

Jodie enters her car and drives back home.

- - - - -

Clark super-speeds to Milton Fine. After Heather left Smallville, he has been feeling lonely and people keep telling him that everything will be okay. Of course, it won't be okay. He is tired with people saying these stuff to him. Milton Fine is the only one that listen to him without saying, "Don't worry, Clark, I'm always here for you." And all that sentimental sayings. 

Clark and Milton Fine has also been talking about Jor-El; about how he is cruel to the Kryptonians before Kryton got destroyed. 

He reaches the college that Milton Fine works in and sees him walking out of the campus. He jogs over to him and greets him. 

"Hey, Clark." Milton Fine replies back. 

"What else do you know about Jor-El?" Clark asks, walking with Milton Fine.

"Well, I basically told you everything during the last days you've been asking."


"There's nothing to be sorry about, Clark." 

Clark sighs. "I've been getting these bad luck lately." 

"That's Jor-El, planning your future."

"So, that means Heather won't be in my future?"

"I believe so."

Anger is forming inside of him. Jor-El has no right to plan my future. Especially since he's dead. "What can I do to stop it?"

"Destroy the Fortress."

"The Fortress?"

"Yes the Fortress, are you deaf?"

"No. Should I do it now?"

"Not now, Kal-El. Just wait until Jor-El calls you, then he will never expect something like that."

"What if he never calls?"

"Then, we destroy the Fortress."

Clark nods in agreement.

- - - - -

Hei :)

Oh my God, sorry for the very late update!! I was so busy with school because I had to write a stupid essay. -.- So annoying, I swear. I'm also sorry that this chapter is really boring. 

Anyway, here is a chapter that you probably won't like that much. But hey, it's still the beginning, it might get better. 

I've got a question for you guys, do you want this book be like the first book? More on the romantic side than the action side. Or do you want this to be like the show, more on the action side than the romantic side? Tell me in the comments!!

Check out my other account: @Graceful_Gryphon

Thanks for reading!!


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