Chapter 13

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When Clark is zooming all across the world, he's starting to feel doubt that he will ever find Zod. He could be anywhere! Only God knows which place in the world his feet is walking on right now. Clark feels discrouaged and thinks of going back home. He has been a little distant with Heather, so he thinks of taking her out to dinner. He doesn't know where, though. Metropolis maybe? Stay a night in a hotel? There could be many choices. 

You know what, I'll make dinner myself. He says, finally making a decision. But there's so much food to choose from, and besides, he's not the best cook either. He gives up. 

Once he reaches home, he calls out for her. "Heather?"

Then he hears footsteps coming down the stairs. "Clark," Heather says, once she reaches the bottom of the stairs, "do you know what time it is? You've been coming home late." She walks closer to Clark, looking into his eyes. "I've been worried sick about you!"

"I'm sorry. I was just finding where Zod was." Clark replies. Putting his red jacket on the Clothes stand.

"Zod?" Heather asks. Now remembering who he's talking about. "Oh, the guy from the fortress. The one that came out of the void, right?"


"Well, how are you going to find him? There's billions of people on this earth. He could be anywhere!" 

"I know, which is why I'm going to ask Chloe tomorrow for help."

"Tomorrow already started. And why didn't you ask her in the first place?"

"She was busy." Clark heads his way upstairs, yawning and rubbing his eyes. Heather just shakes her head and follows him.

 "You know, Chloe, I think I should give up finding him." Clark says, talking to Chloe. 

"Whoa, Clark, give up? After all this work that you've done, you're already giving up?" Chloe asks. She looks at him in the eyes to see if he's serious. He is. "Look, Clark. Whatever. You can do what you want. But since you're giving up on him, I think you should think about you and Heather's wedding."

Clark's eyes widen. He forgot about the whole wedding ever since Zod came in to the spotlight. He's been meaning to ask her for plans about the wedding, but finding Zod came in the way. "That's right." He says, agreeing. He stands up from his chair and super-speeds away to the house. 

"You go, Clark." Chloe says, now going back to her news report. 

When Clark reaches the farm, Heather was already going out of the house. He runs up to her and hugs her tightly. 

"Is today a special day?" Heather asks. They both smile and Clark gives her a kiss. 

"I'm sorry for not being there and I'm sorry for running away... And I'm sorry for not planning our wedding." Clark says. 

Heather chuckles, "Clark, it's okay. You're doing your duty. It's fine." 

"I know, I just feel guilty that I was not there for you when you needed me."

"You're here when I want you to, though." 

"So, let's start with when."

"Actually, Clark, I'm kind of in a run, so maybe we can talk about this later..?" Heather kisses Clark on the cheek. "Sorry." Heather runs off to her car and drives away. 

- - - - -

Hei :)

I've been thinking of moving the schedule--or removing it. Maybe I should start updating once a week, since I've got a busy schedule mostly... So...

Anyway, here's your chapter. I know it's becoming boring and short, but I'm trying my best here to update as fast as I could and make it good, but all I can come up with are bad ideas. Sorry if I'm starting to suck :(

Check out my other account: @Graceful_Gryphon        

Thanks for reading!!


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