Chapter 11

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When Heather hears Clark open the front door, she is shocked yet happy to see him. But he doesn't feel the same way. There's this look in his face, as if he's scared or worried. Heather's smile fades. 

"Clark, what's wrong?" Heather asks, putting the ring on the island. 

Clark eyes on the object that Heather puts on the island. He goes towards it, ignoring Heather's question, and sees a ring with red kryptonite. "What's this?" 

"Oh, it's from a friend of yours. Michael, I think his name was." Heather replies. She looks at his worried face, and she knows that something really is going on. "Clark, what's going on?"

Clark looks at her, deeply. His green eyes almost hypnotizing Heather's. "Nothing." He says, then puts the ring on his finger. A tingly feeling comes inside of him. He never felt this way before. Clark, feels different. 

"I need to go." Clark says, super-speeding to The Fortress. 

"Go where?" Heather asks, but it's too late. Clark has already left. 

- - - - -

When Clark reaches The Fortress, he hears an evil laugh coming from Milton Fine, then followed by clapping. "I knew your naive brain would do something useful for once." Fine says, walking towards Clark. 

Clark gives Fine a confused look, but Fine shakes his head. "Nothing, I said nothing." Fine re-assures him. He looks at the ring on Clark's finger and he smiles. Mission Accomplished Fine says to himself, celebrating on the inside. 

"What I want you to do, Kal-El, is just to put this inside there." Fine says, pulling out a black cylinder-diamond shape. Clark takes it out of this hands without hesitation and puts it in the place which is the 'heart' of The Fortress. 

Then suddenly, a black void appears. Clark hears the chuckling of Milton Fine. "Well, done, Kal-El." Fine says, "Well, done indeed." 

 A stinging pain comes through Clark and Milton Fine. As they fall to the ground, they see Heather with Green Kryptonite in hand. 

"You're too late!" Fine screams, then laughs hysterically. "He's coming!"

Heather runs to Clark and takes off the ring from him and throws it away. 

They all hear a laugh coming from the void and a bright light suddenly appears. This was really something that Clark had in his dream. Everything is going wrong.

- - - - - 

Hei :)

Here is chapter 11!! I think the schedule will be back on track from now on. Unless, I have something important to do so it messes up the schedule. Anyway, this book is running a little slow... I'm soooo sorry if you find it boring! I am really trying my best here to make it really exciting and long. 

Anyway, please check out my other account: @Graceful_Gryphon

Thanks for reading!!


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