Chapter 14

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"Excuse me, ma'am, but you have a letter." A security guard says to Jodie. She rises up and takes it from it.

"Thank you." She says.

"You're welcome." As the guard leaves, Jodie opens it and it's a wedding invitation.

You are invited to the wedding of Clark Kent and Heather Wilmoth

It says with the date, time and place. Jodie cannot keep the excitement and so she starts screaming like a little child. All the guards especially Lex comes running towards her.

"Is everything okay?" Lex asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just-I'm excited!" Everyone starts to laugh and leaves the room except for Lex. "Did you know that Clark and Heather are getting married?" Jodie asks Lex, handing him the card.

"No, why." When Lex opens it, he starts to smile. "Well, it's about time."

"I'm going to visit her." Jodie says, leaving the room and planning to go to the Kent Farm. This reminds Jodie of her marriage. When she married the man of her life. When she knew who to spend her life with. Jodie knows that Clark is meant to be with Heather. She knows how much they both mean to each other. They're just perfect for each other. Although, she was a bit jealous when she found out that they were together. She had a crush on him. But that was history.

When she reaches the farm, she cannot wait but scream into their faces and say "Congratulations!"

As the door swings open and she sees a familiar faces, she's speechless. She cannot do anything but stand there, a smile frozen on her face.

"Got the letter?" Heather asks.

"Yup," Jodie finally says. "I'm so happy for you." Jodie hugs her and keeps her excitement in. "Have you thought of the Maid of Honor yet?" Jodie asks, once letting go.

"Oh, no, I haven't. But now you said it, I'll think about it."

Heather invites her to enter the house. "Where Clark?" Jodie asks, looking around for him.

"He's going around and giving the letters." Heather lies. He's actually out to do some "work".

"That's interesting."

Heather nods her head in agreement. "Coffee?" She asks.


Clark got a job in the Daily Planet which was suggested by Lois Lane. And since then, he's been closer and closer to saving the town than he was in Smallville. He feels as if he's meeting to his father's expectations of saving the earth.

"Clark, I am not saying this again, get your butt out there and actually help me with my report!" Lois yells at Clark once she comes in the office.

"I already did, Lois." Clark says, turning his chair towards her. Lois sits on his desk and gives him a surprised and confused face.

"Really? Since when?" Clark turns his computer to her and she can see the proof. "Well done." Lois says, obviously impressed. "But I need more than that, Smallville." She says, just to annoy Clark. He just scoffs and continues to add information in his byline.

- - - - -

The big day has come for Heather and Clark. They plan on getting married in his barn. Everybody is there, getting busy for the wedding while Heather and Clark are getting ready for their big day.

While Heather looks at herself in the mirror, not believing what is happening today. I'm getting to the man I love, she says to herself, I'm getting married... She says that line over and over again that her heart starts to pound.

There's a knock on the door, snapping Heather from her tiny panic attack. She sees Jodie smiling on the door.

"You know," she says, entering the room and closing the door behind her, "the time when I got married to Lex, I just couldn't wait to walk down the aisle." Jodie smiles from the memory. But Heather doesn't feel the same way. Maybe she does, but she has mixed emotions on the situation. Happy, excited, nervous, impatient. All at the same time.

It's funny how fast time can go. Just two years ago, Heather met the man he's about to marry, Clark, in high school. Then just a few months ago, he proposed to her. And now, she's going to walk down the aisle and say 'I do.'

"You'll do fine," Jodie says, smiling, "the best part is when you and your groom say your vows. I don't know, I just love the way they sound." She hugs Heather from behind and for the first time, Heather smiles and her heart beat is slowing down.

"Thank you." Heather says.

"Let's go." Jodie says. At first, Heather is confused but then she knows what she's talking about. Heather raises up from her chair and goes with Jodie. Once she exits the room and goes down the stairs of the house, she sees her dad waiting down the stairs.

"Dad!" She exclaims in excitement. Although, she doesn't know why. She knows that her father is supposed to be there. But, she just put the thought away.

While waiting at the loft with Heather's father by her side, she gives him a smile. Heather can see that he's almost tearing up. His girl finally getting married. Going to live with her love until death.

The music starts playing and Heather's heart skips a beat. Here we go. Heather and her dad starts walking down the stairs, slowly and to the pace of the classical song. Clark and Heather locks eyes and she blushes by the sight of his green eyes. Then she sees Jodie on the opposite side, giving her a smile and is so happy to see her best friend as the Maid of Honor.

When Heather reaches the altar and separates from her father she blows him a kiss and her mother a wave. Then she steps up to go face-to-face to her groom.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest says. Clark and Heather's lips collide and everyone cheers. Heather can hear her mom burst into tears. Once they separate, they both look at the crowd, then to each other almost wanting to kiss again.

"I remember we were like that." Lex whispers to Jodie. She smiles at him then kisses him. How can she not forget? That was the best memory she has ever had. Now, there will be a new memory starting down the road.

Everyone cheers for the newly wed as they walk down the aisle together. The party has now begun.

"Hey, make some space for the newly wedded people to dance!" Lois shouts over the crowd's cheering. Then suddenly, romantic music starts playing and everyone starts to dance with their loved ones.

Clark and Heather slow dances, just like they did during their senior prom.

"I don't know if I told you this, but," Clark pauses to look into her eyes, "you look beautiful today, even with just a wedding dress." Heather chuckles at his compliment.

"I say the same to you, even though you're just wearing a tux." They both smile at each other and kiss. Everyone around them starts ooo-ing. And as they separate, everyone cheers for them.

- - - - -

Hei :)

Whoa, this was a long one. I'm sorry that I haven't updated a while. It's because my stupid internet quitted on me so that's why it took time. But tomorrow, I will be posting two more chapters because I feel like you guys deserve more. Well, try to update more tomorrow. I always feel guilty when I either don't post on the day I promised or when I just update a very short chapter. So, I feel like I owe you guys one.

Check my other account: @Graceful_Gryphon

Thanks for reading!!


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