Chapter 16

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"Clark?" Heather calls out, once she enters the hotel room that they're staying in. She puts down her bag on the table that is near their bed. He's no where in sight. Then, she feels a cool breeze behind her. Turning around, she's not surprised that it's Clark with an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry for leaving, I just-" he starts to say, but Heather cuts him off.

"Clark, it's okay. You were saving the world! I'm not supposed to keep you to myself.!" Clark calms down from Heather's reply and hugged her. "But I do have something to tell you." Heather says, once they separate.

"What is it?"

"I met Zod," she says. Clark's eyes grow big since now he knows where he is. "I didn't know what to do. He seemed normal and not harmful and so..." Heater drifts off, finding the word to describe him.

"Human?" Clark says, finishing her sentence. Heather nods. "Look, Heather, tell me how he looks like."

Heather describes him and as soon as she's finished, Clark super-speeds away.

Go, Clark.

Super-speeding back, Clark kisses Heather and then going back to finding him.

- - - - -

No, I shouldn't find him. Maybe Jor-El knows something. Clark thinks to himself and then changing direction going to The Fortress.

Milton Fine has described Zoe to be more nicer than Jor-El. But it's the complete opposite. Once Fine has betrayed Clark, he knows that he was describing Zod the opposite. How can I be easily lead? Clark asks himself, going back to the memory.

Once Clark enters The Fortress, he can already feel his father's presence.

"My son." Jor-El says, his voice echoing around Clark.

"My wife met Zod," Clark starts to explain. "But I don't know where he is."

"That is your mission, Kal-El." Jor-El replies. Clark nods and super-speeds off to find Zod. But he remembers the last time he was finding Zod; he couldn't. Maybe, he should just wait until he comes.

Suddenly, Clark's phone starts ringing and he stops running. He picks up his phone without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Clark," he hears Heather's voice, "he's here. He's in the cafe near our hotel."

Clark hangs up and super-speeds towards the cafe, but stopping when he's almost there.

Walking towards the table where Heather's is seated, he sees a middle aged man.

Clark clears his throat and he gets their attention.

"Ah, you must be Clark!" Zod says, standing up and putting out his hand for a shake. Clark takes it but squeezes his hand tightly.

"Wow, you have a pretty strong hand." Zod says in astonishment. Clark doesn't look away from Zod and giving him the death glare.

They both stop shaking hands and Zoe gives Clark a smile. It's as if he knows something. "I better get going," Zod says nodding to both Clark and Heather. "Nice meeting you, Clark." And with that, he leaves the cafe.

It's him. Zoe says to himself. The last son of Krypton.

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