Chapt 10

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Clark super-speeds his way to the Fortress. He's been asking questions about Heather and why did she have to leave. Sure, that it's a pretty simple answer, but it is still bugging him for a long time. 

Once he reaches the Fortress, he hears his father. "My son, I know you've heard all about me."

"I have," Clark replies, sternly, not even caring about what Jor-El has done in Krypton. "But I'm not here to talk about that," He says. "I am wondering, why did you take Heather away from me?" 

"It is so that you won't get distracted." 

"For what?!"

"For you're future."

"Then why did you bring her back?" 

"Because then I knew that she meant a lot to you."

"I'm very appreciated by that." 

There's a pause. Things are sinking in inside of Clark's mind and it's starting to all makes sense.

"I heard that Milton Fine has been talking to you about me," Jor-El says, after a long pause. "But it's not all entirely true."

"I've heard that you've been mistreating the people in Krypton." 

"So he says. But, Milton Fine is taking over you're brain. He's trying to get to you." 

Get to me? What does that mean? Clark knots his eyebrows and thinks of what it means. Then suddenly, the flash of his nightmare emerges in his brain. Milton Fine has been using Clark and brainwashing him to bring Zod into this world. Now, Clark is convinced that Milton Fine is using him. 

Rage and anger is filling inside of him. He cannot believe that he is that naive and easy to trick. 

Clark super-speeds his way to Milton Fine.

He reaches his destination and sees Milton Fine in his office. He burst into the room without caring to knock and grabs Fine by his collar. Fine remains calm, even though the grip of Clark's hand is hurting a bit.

"You lied to me!" Clark yells, bitterly. 

"Now, Kal-El, let me explain."

"Explain how you've been using me or explain your lies?"


"I TOLD YOU TO NEVER CALL ME THAT!" Clark's grip grows tighter and he throws Fine across the room, leaving him there while he super-speeds away thinking of dealing with him later and thinking of plans to get him. 

- - - - -

Milton Fine thinks of a plan to make Clark go to his side again. He's sure that the Red Kryptonite work, as it switches him to a good guy, to the bad guy. Fine smiles at his plan and finds Red Kryptonite and thinking of a way to get it to him. Of course he cannot give it to him directly, he must give it to him indirectly. 

When Fine spots a Red Kryptonite on the ground, he squishes it in his hand and becomes a diamond shape. Then he takes out the base of the ring and glue them together with his heat vision. 

He knows that Clark's girlfriend won't even think of the slightest thing that this could harm her boyfriend. How naive people can be. Fine thinks, and super-speeds to the barn. He doesn't expect Clark to be there. 

He knocks on the door of the farm and sees Heather open it. 

"Hello, how can I help you?" She asks politely.

"Oh, hi, I'm Clark's friend. Michael." Fine can see the look on her face that she doesn't know anything. And so he moves on. "I'm here to give Clark this. It's just a gift." Fine pulls out the Red Kryptonite ring. "Be sure to give it to him." And when Heather analyzes it, Fine takes this advantage to super-speed. 

"Oh, thank--" But when Heather looks up, she sees that he's gone. "--you." 

- - - - -

Hei :)

Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I haven't been feeling very well for the past few weeks, but I'm getting better. And all this school work is piling up on me very quickly that I'm starting to fall. But I'm back on my feet again.

Wow, I'm filled with metaphors today! Oh and sorry that it's short. It's just that I'm running out of time :(

Anyway, here's your chapter :D

Check out my other account: @Graceful_Gryphon

Thanks for reading!!


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