Chapter 3

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Jodie goes to the Talon for the celebration. Of course, Lex is coming with Jodie. When they arrive in the Talon, Jodie can already hear the loud music playing inside. 

Lex and Jodie enters the Talon and it is crowded with Smallville High graduates. She see Lois, Lana, Heather and Chloe all sitting at one table, laughing and talking. She walks towards them with a huge smile and Lex walking beside her. 

"Hey, guys." She greets them, and they all say 'hi' back. Lex whispers to Jodie, "I'll pick you up whenever you want. I've got a call about some business." He walks away to the crowd. Jodie sits down with them. 

"So, anyone decided about college?" Jodie asks. 

She hears some 'yep' s from Lana, Chloe and Heather. Jodie looks at Lois. 

"I quitted High School, remember?" Lois says, noticing Jodie's questioning look on her. 

"Oh yeah," Jodie says, "so where are you girls going then?" 

"California!" Heather says, raising her arms for a 'woot woot!' 

"Met U." Lana and Chloe says in unison. 

"Metropolis University." Jodie repeats in a 'not bad' tone. 

"What about you, Jodie? Where are you going?" Chloe asks, putting her chin on the top of her palm. 

"I'm not going to college." Jodie replies. "Because I'm engaged." She says, smiling at them and showing them the engagement ring. The girls squeels in joy. 

"You two have been together for a long time, I thought you would never be engaged!" Chloe exclaims. 

"Chloe here thought that you guys will break up soon." Lois points out. 

"Clark and I have been together for 2 years and he still hasn't proposed to me yet." Heather says in a sad tone. 

"You have to be patient. He plans romantic things on special events, so it's worth the wait." Lana says. 

"Oh, Lana knows all about that." Chloe teases her.

The party is going well for Jodie. Lots of dancing, talking and laughing. She is a bit disappointed that Clark did not come. He is just all about work, he needs some fun time. 

- - - - -

Clark sits on the loft, the evening breeze cooling him off from the news that Heather told him. He is also planning on what to do and what to say to Heather about his powers. 

He thinks of different things, but he cannot decide on what to do. He also almost wanted to back out, but he has to be confident. 

"Heather..." He pauses, thinking of words to say. "I really trust and love you-- No, too cheesy." 

"What are you trying to do, Smallville? A romantic speech on Heather?" Lois asks, making Clark jump a bit. 

"Lois, I thought you were at the party." Clark says to her, giving her a questioning look. 

"I left early," She says. "So, what you up to?"  

Clark hesitates on talking, but at the same time he thinks of an excuse. 

"C'mon, you can tell me." Lois says, the eager tone really obvious. 

"I'm planning..." He starts, but drifts off. Planning on what? He asks himself. 

"Planning on what to say to Heather before she leaves." He lies. 

"Oh, okay. Well, I don't see any point on that but, go on." Lois says then leaves. 

Clark shakes his head as if to say, "Oh, Lois." 

Milton Fine suddenly appears in Clark's loft. 

"People keep on disrupting me!" Clark complains, again. Milton Fine gives a chuckle on Clark's childish complain. 

"Clark, I heard that you were going to tell Heather about your powers." Milton Fine says, walking around Clark's loft. 

"Where did you hear that?" Clark asks, really connfused. 

"Somewhere... But, that is not what I'm here about. Your father, Jor-El, is not too pleased about your choice." 

"Well, you tell him that he is not the one to boss around my decisions." 

"Yes, but... He doesn't trust humans like you do. Just be careful, okay?" Milton Fine super-speeds away into the dark night. 

Clark is really frustrated about this. Jor-El doesn't have the right to tell me anything. Clark thinks to himself. 

He walks back to the house and goes into the couch to sleep. 

- - - - -

Hei :)

So, here's the 3 chapters I promised you! Now enjoy you holiday and have a Merry, merry christmas :D

Check out my other account: @Graceful_Gryphon

Thanks for reading!!


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