Chapter 19

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After seeing Zod and what he has planned, Clark has gone more and more cautious about his surroundings. Sure, he's invincible but he does have a weakness and it's the Green Kryptonite. His other weakness that he cares so much about is Heather. If something happens to her, he doesn't know what to do anymore.

Clark reaches his house. It seems so empty, Clark can just feel it. This makes him worried. As he opens the door, he hopes that Heather is there.

"Heather?" He calls out, his heart beating and his breath going faster and faster.

"Oh hey." Lois says, coming out of the living room.

"Lois? What are you doing here?

"Oh, just wanna say two things," Lois says, she waits for his response but she decides to just spurt it out, "first thing, I just wanted to say congratulations. And the second thing, I wanted to say good-bye."

Clark is taken off track. Congratulations? Good-bye? Which one should I ask?

"What are you saying, Lois?"

"Don't you know?" Clark shakes his head. Oh, well, damn, what should I say? Lois thinks to herself. "I'm leaving Smallville, Smallville."


"Yeah, I've found something better than The Daily Planet."

"But, what about your family? Friends?"

"I'm sorry, Smallville, but... That's my choice." Lois goes to the door, giving him a wave before leaving the house.

"What does she mean: congratulations?" Clark asks himself, but just put the thought away. He searches around the house for Heather, but see no sign of her.

- - - - -

"Tell me his weakness!" Zod yells at Heather, who is seated on a chair, tied up so that she cannot leave. Everyone is gathered around her, all scared and not knowing what to do.

She breathes heavily, "I'm not going to tell you."

Zod slaps her face, and Heather grunts. "What is his weakness!" Zod yells again, his voice echoing in the abandoned room of the building.

"He doesn't have one!" Heather yells back.

"That's nonsense. Everyone has to have at least one weakness."

"Let me talk to her." They hear a female voice in the background. The sound of her heels echoes in the room as she walks toward Zod.

Heather's eyes open wide once she sees her. "Tess! You son of a bitch!"

Tess scoffs, walking towards Heather. "C'mon, Heather, you're the wife of an alien. You must know his weakness."

"Never in a million years will I tell you."

Scoffing again, Tess looks at Faora. "Do you have a weapon I have borrow?" She asks. Faora grabs the gun from the back of her pants and hands it to Tess, who points the gun towards Heather's head. "Now, you have a choice, Heather. You can tell us the weakness, or you can die and have Clark suffer."

Impressed by Tess, Zod smiles and chuckles. "You are incredible, Tess."

Okay, Heather, you have a choice here. Do you want Clark and you to be a family, or do you want to have Clark dead? If I die, Clark will suffer. If I tell them, he will still suffer. Tough decision.

"It's-" Heather starts, but stops. She didn't mean to say anything. It's like her mouth is taking control of her. "It's the green meteor rock."

Tess tosses back the gun and Faora catches it swiftly. She turns around to face Zod, who is smiling, impressed with what she did. "You're welcome." Tess says, then leaves.

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