-------------------12 August 1824-------------------
(Katherine's POV)
I decided to kill her. But still, I am not sure about the consequences. Don't know why I can't get good vibes.....Why did she mention 'future'? What did she mean by that? Something terrible is going to happen. Something very bad. Very unpredictable. I can sense it. Cassandra is a vicious witch. I am sure she must be planning something evil. I have to figure it out. I have to... While I was thinking, a knocking sound came at the door. I move to the door and opened it.
"Hello, Mrs Milton!" Said Dr Branson.
"O hello, Dr.! Please come in" I invited him in.
"A bad news Mrs Milton. Cassandra is missing." Dr Branson said.
"What? Hell no!" I said.
It's not just a bad news, it's like we have lost the chance to save the human world. It's like I lost to a devil. I said in my mind.
"Mrs Milton, we have to find her before it's too late." He said.
"Do they know?" I asked him if Mr Cruise and Mr Johnson knew it.
"No they don't," he said.
"How did you know that she is missing?" I asked him.
"Mrs Milton, as you know, I regularly visit the forest to investigate the dead bodies found by the cops and I did the same today. As usual, another dead body was found today. A girl.... a teenager. And...." He said and suddenly became silent.
"And what?" I asked.
"On write arm of that body, there was written something with blood." He said.
"What?" I asked him eagerly.
'Find me'....it was written 'find me.' And I am sure it is she." He said.
"Hmm.....Who else can kill a kid." I said.
"Perhaps I can do something," I said.
"What?" He asked.
"Follow me," I said.
I moved towards my secret room where I use to practice dark magic and spells. No one was allowed to enter there except three of them (Dr Branson, Mr Cruise and Mr Johnson).
I called Dr Branson in and asked him to hand me the map kept on the rack.
"Do you have that blood sample with you?" I asked him.
"Yes, that is in my laboratory." He said.
"I need it. Please take me there." I said.
"Sure Mrs Milton, you can follow me." He said.
I went with him and we reached his laboratory. We move to the room where all the dead bodies had been kept. But it was not a morgue. Only dead bodies killed by Cassandra were kept there.
He showed me the girl's body. As soon as I touched the body I felt a strong essence of Cassandra. I got confirmed that it was her... she did this.
He then moved towards the corner of the room where different kinds of samples were kept for testing. He took a test tube and handed me the sample.
"Here it is." He said.
I unfolded the map and placed it on the table. Then I put a drop of blood from that sample and started chanting.
As I was chanting, the blood sample was getting darker and darker. It was moving in all directions pointing out the places where Cassandra usually used to visit and finally it stopped moving pointing to the woods on the map.
"Here....here she is," I said pointing to the map.
"In the woods? It's a dense forest. Are you sure she will find any place to live there?" He asked curiously.
"I am sure. She is there." I said.
"Fine! Then we shouldn't be late." He said.
I nodded and we called Mr Cruise and Mr Johnson and told them everything that had happened.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go.." Said Mr Johnson.
We all headed towards the woods. After walking a long distance, we saw a cave. It was only a few meters away. I sensed someone's presence very near to us but it wasn't Cassandra. I felt a human's presence other than three of them.
We continued with our steps and stopped in front of the cave.
"Let's go inside." Said Mr Johnson.
"Are you sure?" Mr Cruise asked.
"Yes, I think someone is there," I said, but I didn't tell them that I could not feel Cassandra's presence here.
We walked in and after walking a few steps we found a boy lying on the floor. He was crawling and spitting blood from his mouth. Dr Branson rushed towards him and others spread into the cave to find Cassandra. I moved towards the boy and tried to save him but his condition was so bad that it was impossible to keep him alive even for a few seconds.
"She is not here. Cassandra is not here." Said Mr Johnson. He was gasping.
"I knew it" I whispered.
"It's impossible...Mrs Milton found...." Before Dr Branson could finish his words I interrupted, "Yes I found it.....My spells guided me that she is here..... But... But I was expecting something like this to happen."
"What do you mean?" Dr Branson asked.
"She is not a fool to live in such a place where we can easily find her," I said.
Meanwhile, the boy died and we couldn't save him. Suddenly, my eyes got stuck on his palm. There was an incision on his palm. I held his palm tightly and what I felt was completely unexpected.
"Oh, Jesus!" I said.
"What happened?" Dr Branson asked timidly.
"I didn't find her. It was him. I found this boy through my spell." I said.
"What are you saying, Mrs Milton? That blood was Cassandra's, right?" Dr Branson asked me.
"Yes, that was.....She is linked. She linked herself with him...." I said pointing to the dead body.
"And that's why your spell showed her presence here." Dr Branson added further and I nodded.
"But if both of them are linked, she must be also dead. Isn't it?" Mr Cruise asked.
"Just because he is dead? No. Mr Cruise. She must have unlinked herself before his death. I am sure." I said.
But where is she?

The Triangle
Fantasy"Why are we like this?" "This is what our destiny wanted." "No this is all what YOU wanted," I said quite harshly and then definitely regretted and apologised for that. ***** The whole story revolves around a young girl who is unaware about her supe...