Jeremy: How?
Janet: Jeremy, the day I found your letter, I realised that I love you too and then I decided to bring you back anyhow. I could have killed her earlier but she had already trapped us in her bloody game. She had linked herself to Alice. If I had killed her, Alice would have died too. Not only this, but she had also threatened me that if I could not do anything within 24 hours, she would slit her wrist. I had only few hours left to save Alice.
Jeremy: ....... (Shocked and crying silently)
Janet: Jeremy, the day I realised I love you, I also found that if Cassandra couldn't connect the three souls to complete the devil triangle she would be dragged to hell.
Jeremy: Cassandra wanted to become immortal and for that she needed to complete the devil triangle....with our that so?
Janet: Yes. Jeremy, the moment my soul parted from my body your soul entered your body. And since you became alive, so no longer three souls, no chance to complete the devil triangle.....
Jeremy: And so she died.
Jeremy: I am sorry. I am sorry you had to die because of me.
Janet: No Jeremy, stop blaming yourself. Please! It's not your fault.
Janet: Jeremy
Jeremy: Yes (whispered)
Janet: You promised me that you would take care of everyone I love. EVERYONE. Then why are you trying to hurt yourself, dear?
Jeremy: ........... (Silent)
Janet: Please don't hurt yourself. At least for me?
Jeremy: ......... (Silently wiping his tears.)
Janet: Jeremy?
Jeremy: I won't hurt myself. Promise.
***********Flashback ends************
"Back to earth Jeremy," someone said and I came out of my thoughts.
"Alice! When did you come?" I asked.
"When you were on the Jupiter." She said and I laughed hard.
"Stop it," I said in between my laugh. She always tried to make me laugh and smile after that incident. But whenever she tried to please me, I could see unbearable pain in her eyes. She was hurt too. I know she cries every single day for losing her best friend.
"Back to earth AGAIN," she said, getting annoyed.
"Uh... Sorry, I was just thinking of something." I said and suddenly her expressions became serious.
"Jeremy," She said.
"What?" I asked.
"You are not thinking to hurt yourself. If you are then I swear I am gonna kill...." I didn't let her finish and said, "Ali-Ali-Ali, calm down. I am not thinking any stupid things."
"Are you sure?" She asked getting worried.
"Yes. I won't hurt myself. Not anymore" I said reassuring her and then looked at Janet who was still there and smiling at my statement.
I smiled too.
Honestly, if I say that I am not trying to move on then it would be a lie because it's been 4 months since I didn't try to kill myself. But I still can't be happy. How can I? It still hurts. It hurts so much.
It was 2 o'clock in the night and I was sitting by the window, counting the sheep like a kid but it wasn't helping me to sleep. I suddenly felt someone's presence behind me but I wasn't scared because I knew who it was."O c'mon Janet," I said.
"Sorry, did I startled you?" She asked.
"You can never scare me," I said and smiled.
"Why are you still awake?" She asked.
"I don't know," I whispered.
"It's 2 am Jeremy! Go to bed and sleep" she said strictly.
I chuckled and said, "ok grandma"
She laughed and then I said, "Janet, can we just sit and talk, please?" I whined like a child and she sighed in defeat.
"Ok, what do you want to talk about?" She asked.
"Just anything," I said.
"Jeremy, can I ask you something?" She asked.
"Yeah, sure," I said.
"How did you come to know that I am a witch?" She asked.
"Do you remember, when we were in high school, you had a fight with a classmate of ours and you punched him so hard in the head that he was crying out in pain?" I asked.
She chuckled and said, "yeah I remember but correction, I never punched him."
"I know," I said.
"What do you mean?" She asked getting confused.
"You didn't even touch him but your angry glare made his head hurt," I said and she understood what I was trying to say.
"You mean I used my powers inadvertently." She said.
"Yes. Janet you know I was interested in and believed in supernatural things since childhood and when my grandmother gave me her journal, she told me to beware of Cassandra. At that time I didn't understand what she meant, even after reading the journal because I couldn't able to understand the connection of Cassandra with me." I paused for a moment and then continued, "after I died I came to know so many things. Strange but true, we are ignorant in this living body and become wise after leaving it......omg! look I am straying from the topic." I said.
She smiled and said, "it's alright, just continue."
"Janet, one day when I came to your house, I saw that your parents were discussing something. Believe me, I didn't do any sneak peeks but they were loud enough to hear. Actually, they didn't realise that I came there and at that moment your mom accidentally spoke 'Stephan you know that Janet is a witch' and then....I cleared my throat to gain their attention. She asked me if I heard anything but I am sorry I lied to your mom and just walked away. Janet all day I was just counting and memorizing all the weird things you used to do, you might not remember but sometimes you used to behave very different. And after connecting all the dots, I finally realised that you are a witch." I said.
"Sorry Janet, I didn't tell you earlier," I said.
"It's alright Jeremy," she said and looked at the clock and it was 3:00 am.
"Are you sure you don't wanna sleep?" she asked pointing to the clock and I nodded no.
All night we kept talking and laughing, drowning in the alley of memories.

The Triangle
Fantasy"Why are we like this?" "This is what our destiny wanted." "No this is all what YOU wanted," I said quite harshly and then definitely regretted and apologised for that. ***** The whole story revolves around a young girl who is unaware about her supe...