Chapter 19: Solution (part-2)

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I stopped the car in front of the place where I used to visit everyday. Yes, everyday but no one knows about it. I started walking and stopped in front of the tomb where written, Jeremy Branson. I bent down to caress it. "I am sorry Jeremy. I have to do this," I said. I started digging the grave without wasting any time. When the coffin came out of the mud, I examined it and found that it was sealed and it was obvious. "I have to break it," I mumbled. I closed my eyes and started chanting and within seconds the coffin started shaking vigorously and then suddenly stopped. I opened my eyes and saw that the seal gets broken. I jumped beside it because it was too deep and got down on my knees to open it.

As soon as I opened it, my heart clenched at the sight of his dead body. It had been more than a year since he died, so his corpse began to rot. I took the vial out of my pocket and put a drop of liquid on it. As soon as I did this, the corpse began to heal and eventually fully recovered in no time.

Now I could see a beautiful body lying in front of me. I felt as if he was sleeping and if I call him he will wake up to show his signature smile which I always adore. But the moment I thought he would never wake up, I felt a sharp pain in my heart. It felt like he was tired of this cruel world and so he decided to leave this world forever. "You don't deserve this place Jeremy and you won't be here anymore," I said and pecked his forehead.

I closed the coffin and buried it as before.

You have to pay for it Cassandra.

When I got home I was hugged dangerously tight and then slapped a little harsh on my arm, "where the hell were you, you stupid?" Alice asked getting worried.

I laughed and said, "Hey! Don't worry I am fine."

"Janet do you have any idea how worried we all were?" Mom said.

"I am sorry mom. But I did write a note. Didn't you see that?" I asked.

"Yes we saw but you didn't mention the place, Jany," Alice said.

"She is right Janet. Where did you go?" Mom asked.

"I...I went to visit Prof. Campbell... I mean father." I lied, trying hard not to get caught.

"At this time?" She asked suspiciously.

I saw the clock, it was 6 am. "Yes, I was...I was missing him so much, mom." I said.

Mom smiled and hugged me gently. "It's alright. I understand dear." She said.

"Ok kids, since we're all awake, so I am going to prepare breakfast." She said.

"Mom we are not kids!" I whined.

She laughed and moved towards the kitchen.

Suddenly Alice grabbed my hand and dragged me into my room. She closed the door behind us and then asked, "where were you?"

I knew she would catch my lies in a pinch. Sometimes I wondered if she could read my mind or what?! No, of course she can't, but believe me when I say she knows me better than me.

I sighed and asked, "can I hide anything from you?"

"No, you can't. So tell me the truth, Jany." She said.

"Ok fine. I went to Cassandra." I said.

Her eyes widened to hear 'Cassandra' and she asked timidly, "to ask her to unlink me, Isn't it?"

I nodded and said, "Ali I figured out how to kill her. And..."

"And?" She asked curiously.

"And I figured out one more thing."

"What?" She asked.

"I can...I can bring Jeremy back." I said.

She was shocked and a terrible silence fell in the whole atmosphere. Breaking the silence I called her and tapped her shoulder gently, "Ali... Alice? Hey!"

"Huh! Are you sure? Can I see my brother again?" She asked and her eyes filled with tears.

"Yes, you can. We can." I said confidently and smiled.

She hugged me and started crying. I hugged back and said, "Hey! Why are you crying? Aren't you happy?"

She broke the hug and said, "of course I am happy stupid! I can not explain how much happy I am." We both smiled and she wiped her tears.

"Ok, so tell me how will you do this? What is your plan, Janet?" She asked and my lips started trembling in fear. If I tell you, you won't let me do it. I thought.

"Alice, first promise me that whatever I am going to do you won't stop me," I said timidly.

"Ok I promise, I won't." She said smiling.

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